Ovarian Cyst: Hey guys, So I wondered if... - Endometriosis UK

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Ovarian Cyst

Chloehawkins_ profile image
11 Replies

Hey guys,

So I wondered if anyone could give me some advice / share their experience with ovarian cysts.

Recently (along with Endo pain) I’ve been experiencing really bad pains on my lower left abdomen, right near my ovary (mostly sharp, twisting , aching pains) It comes on and off but it’s there at least a few times a day for about 5 weeks now and it’s just starting to really take its toll on me. I’ve been to the doctors and they agreed it seemed like it was definitely ovarian but I have to wait for an ultra sound, and as we all know there’s a huge back log for things like that.

Obviously they haven’t confirmed that it’s a cyst but I’ve had one before so that’s why they think (and personally what I think too) but I was wondering if anyone knew what could help ease the pain / how to speed along the process of an ultra sound? They advised me to go to a & e as they’d likely do an ultra sound for me that day, but I haven’t done that. But the pain has been so bad recently it’s made me sick, and is just effecting me in general.

Can anyone advise on whether they’ve had ovarian cysts and whether it sounds similar, how the process was and what good pain remedies there are?x

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Chloehawkins_ profile image
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11 Replies
Ambs2018 profile image

Hi Chloehawkins_

Sorry to hear about your pain.

I have also been suffering with what I think is cyst pain coming up to 4 weeks. My GP suggested to me to attend A&E which I did however they discharged me and said to wait for the ultrasound that my GP requested. I’m not sure if mine has burst/leaking as I’m passing some old blood down below sorry for TMI!

It might be worth visiting A&E as its not nice feeling the way you do. It terms of pain relief I’m struggling to find something that is actually helping but just trying to keep comfy e.g. hot water bottles, comfy clothes, regular pain relief and for the sickly feeling I haven’t found anything that helps.

Sorry if I’ve not been much help.

Amber x

Chloehawkins_ profile image
Chloehawkins_ in reply to Ambs2018

Ahhh that sounds awful - so sorry you’re going through that! Did you find going to a & e a waste of time? I am tempted but so worried about not being taken seriously! For sure- comfy clothes and hot water bottles are keeping me going. Thanks for the tips x

Ambs2018 profile image
Ambs2018 in reply to Chloehawkins_

Its the joys of being a woman never get a break haha! And personally I did but my local hospital are so busy and understaffed that it may be different where you are. I was told I had endometriosis so should expect pain and to wait for my GP’s ultrasound, but please don’t let that scare/put you off! And its OK x

ZiggyandBC profile image

Hey, I had an endometrioma (cyst) removed in June due to endo and the pain I had sounds similar to yours. It was like a dull pain constantly and after it was removed it felt like such a relief. I had a transvaginal ultrasound to detect mine and had to wait 7 months for the surgery. I always relied on hot water bottles for the pain as it always worked for me. Good luck xxx

Chloehawkins_ profile image
Chloehawkins_ in reply to ZiggyandBC

Glad to hear you’ve had it removed now! Yep that’s exactly what mine feels like - hopefully I don’t have to wait too long for an ultra sound - thanks for sharing xx

Dazignk profile image

Yes unfortunately that sounds like a cyst i just hope that they haven’t waited so long the ovary twist itself (torsion) which happened in my case causing more pain and i lost the ovary. I had emergency surgery when they realized it.

Vps1980 profile image

Bless you, it’s awful being in pain and having to wait like that! I have similar pain but mine is fibroids, still awaiting diagnosis on endometriosis but the gyno I got was useless and just said try the mini pill for 6 months, I’m going to ask for a second opinion as the pain is also in my right ribs xx

Tienisacat profile image


I am new to all this, never had any endo symptoms before. My pain is very similar to how you are describing. I was referred for ultrasound and they found an endometrioma. I waited over 5 months for my ultrasound. Now waiting for the surgery which I have been told is around 3 months but I guess we shall see.

hrcArch profile image

If the pain is bad enough you're being sick, go to A&E, and if you have the option (as in, if you can do this without hurting yourself), go when you feel that way so they can see what the pain is doing to you. A&E is never fun, but being sick from the pain could be a sign of something worse and as others have said, even if it is a cyst, cysts can be dangerous depending on type, size and torsion. A&E should give some pain relief and schedule you for a transvaginal ultrasound, usually within 48 hours.

csytasista profile image

Hi - so sorry you are dealing with this. It's not only physically awful but very stressful too. As someone who has a history of cysts (and ovaries adhered to pelvic wall etc) it does sound a lot like a cyst to me. Even pre-covid trying to get help can be very difficult. Without wanting to scare, I just wanted to say - if you get a fever please please go to A&E asap. I was fobbed off by a GP 6 years ago and then ended up with life-threatening sepsis from a cyst that "went funny" (abscessed) - I was in hospital for 15 days and very unwell, and it has had more long term health consquences too. I have had cysts (and think I have one now) which were not dangerous like this too. Ginger is my saviour for nausea and it also has pain-relieving qualities. Castor oil packs and heat pads also help me.

Take care of yourself - wishing you all the best x

Rhiannon2787 profile image

Hi, I’m also waiting on an ultrasound for suspected cyst.. my pain sound very similar. It is worse at night an unbearable at times. I went to a&e but all they did was a blood test for infection, a pregnancy test and sent me on my way. My doctor has given me codeine for the pain whilst I wait for the ultrasound. I find a hot water bottle is the best cure plus a gentle walk/pace.. hope you get it sorted soon!

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