Hey dolls, I'm due to have my 2nd Laparoscopy Surgery soon and was wondering if there is anything I should be prepared for. I remember my 1st one I was really sore and took a month to fully recover. Is there any questions I should ask the specialist?
2nd Laparoscopy Surgery: Hey dolls, I'm due... - Endometriosis UK
2nd Laparoscopy Surgery

HiWrite down everything you want to know and get the answers. I trusted the consultant, Endo specialist as he’d told me there would be a bowel surgeon, there wasn’t and I’m having to go through it all again.
Don’t assume anything. I’m saying this not to put you off, as his skills as a surgeon were good for the bits he could do, just not to leave anything to chance.
Have a list ready for afterwards to find out what happened. I had some questions beforehand, but the bowel didn’t cross my mind to ask. If you aren’t due to have a colorectal surgeon there, ask what will happen if Endo is there.
When do you have surgery?
Thank you for you're reply. I'm having it next month with god's grace. I definitely have endometriosis and Adenomyosis and I think I was told there will be a bowel surgeon too as the adhesions have moved to my bowels and stuck on to it or something so they have to get rid of that. I definitely will be writing down any question I may have. Thank you.
Sounds like you’re in the right place 🙂 I’m sure it will all be ok.How do you feel about it in general?
I'm really scared to be honest as this is a make or break situation for me. Hopefully once it is successful and I have recovered then me and my husband can try for a baby
It is scary without any doubt at all. This condition is awful. The consultant is aware of how important a baby is for you?
Yes they are aware from the beginning as they kept pushing to have a hysterectomy to get rid of all my symptoms but theres no way without atleast having one child atleast by god's grace. Please pray for me 🙏
Hysterectomy doesn’t necessarily get rid of symptoms, it depends on who does op. I’m hardly any different pain wise currently You are definitely entitled to have a baby, they need to help you achieve this to the best of their ability.
Thanks. I know but that was their answer for every thing every time I went to the hospital when they fully know that I want to have a baby. I think they just didn't know what to do with me as the pain medication I was on at that time wasn't helping.
They still don’t have a clue re medication and what works. They won’t try anything decent either. The research shows Endo cells work like cancer cells and yet people with cancer get far better help with pain management. Edinburgh are testing a cancer drug which seems to help with Endo, it’s been successful in their initial trial and looking for funding to expand. I’ve tried to get it but they won’t yet.
Hi Razina,how did you found out that you also have adhesions to your bowels?Thanks
I done a private MRI as the NHS kept delaying it as they didn't see my matter as urgent even though I kept going to the hospital every other week!!! Then they decided to do MRI and found out that it has spread to my uterus and bowels. Hope that helps!
Oh i understand and may i ask if was done with a contrast substance?
Yes and they gave me Buscopan IV as well before the MRI.
Many thanks Razina, and one last thing sorry to ask so many things but i am also on my way to have the 2nd surgery and this time i want to be prepared not how i did with the 1st lap so i always read and learn from other endo suffers. May i ask how long it took to receive the MRI results and did you had an appointment with the consultant/GP to explain what was found? also the 2nd surgery is because the endo came back after you stopped the mirena coil?
HiIf you’re paying for MRI, do an internet search first, I had two areas done last year for £400, they didn’t do contrast, that was an extra £50, one area was £250.
The private results took less than 24hrs and the one with NHS took 3 weeks and they discussed it at my follow up appointment. The NHS did the contrast one but the private MRI only did the area. Hope that helps
Basically the NHS neglected my care for a while and with covid everything got delayed which is understandable. And I was at stage 3 endometriosis on 2015 and now I am stage 4 as after I took out the Mirena coil as me and hubby were trying for a baby my symptoms got worse and found out that I have scarring tissues and adhesions in my womb which is affecting my fertility.
Hello, May I ask how come it's your second surgery and when was your frist one as did the endo return? Also the Dr not advised you to try after your frist surgery for a baby?
I had first Laparoscopy in 2015 when I got first diagnosed then had the Mirena coil in and wasn't married so no chance for a baby then but if it was up to me I would have.