Hey has anyone got any advice for pelvic adhesions. I don’t want anymore surgery as the surgery for the removal of Endometriosis has made me worse by causing adhesions at the sight where they removed it. Just feel lost. The pain is so intense especially near my cycle. I get nausea and vomiting and now I get really foggy headaches 😕. Thanks in advance x
Pelvic Adhesions : Hey has anyone got any... - Endometriosis UK
Pelvic Adhesions
Try Serrapeptase tablets. They natually break down cysts, lesions and adhesions. Theyre available from Holland and Barratt.
Thank you but the last time I tried these they gave me a bad stomach ache I may try them again and see if it stops over time
Suffering the same. My cysts are crazy bad bursting all the time, not draining and then causing infections. Didn’t know there was anything to help so will try this! I am glad you said about the headaches and vomiting thought I was the only one. Shoulder pain and shooting pains all over my body also and I never hear anyone who also suffers with this x
Hi Ziyahaze, sorry to hear you're suffering. I feel you - the adhesions in my pelvis cause some of my worst issues too. I have recently tried a type of physio - visceral manipulation (Barral Institute), she worked on my stuck ovary and I did feel more comfortable afterwards. I also use castor oil packs and Arvigo self massage, which help in a more subtle way. Increasing blood flow to the area and meant to help with breaking down adhesions. There was a recent podcast on the topic of post-surgery adhesions by This Endo Life, might be worth checking out (there's also one with Tara Ghosh on Arvigo and castor oil)? I'm currently on Zoladex which has helped a lot, since I'm not ovulating, I no longer get excruciating mid-cycle pain. Doesn't seem like there are many good strategies for this, I hope you find something that works a bit and get some relief. Take care x
I do and totally hear what you're saying. It's the lesser of two evils really isn't it.
I have serious injections and a pain patch if that's any good
Hope you're okay and so sorry to hear you're in pain
What are serious injections? And what pain patch do you use? And yes it really is xx