Can HRT reactivate endo?: I am 52 and had... - Endometriosis UK

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Can HRT reactivate endo?

Gingerlugs profile image
8 Replies

I am 52 and had an early menopause in my late 30s, when I was put on HRT. I kept getting breakthrough bleeds so had to take the HRT that gives a monthly bleed. In my teens and 20s I had excrutiating period pain - regularly passing out, throwing up etc. This stopped when I went on the contraceptive pill. I was never diagnosed with endo, but have wondered since whether I had it. This weekend I have been in and out of A&E with exactly the same pain - but this time it continued for 48 straight hours. Even morphine didn't help and I passed blood rectally, as I used to when younger. My HRT bleed then started on Sunday. The doctor said I probably had gastric flu, and refused to even discuss endo. Does anyone here know if HRT can reactivate endo? It seems unlikely after such a long time, but the coincidence of that pain with my period seems odd to me. I really can't face getting that pain again on a regular basis.

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Gingerlugs profile image
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8 Replies
Samba50 profile image

Hi so sorry to hear about your pain. I’ve listened to two webinars recently where both doctors said that HRT does this. I am also 52 with history of endo and I have refused to consider HRT for this reason now I’m menopausal. I hope you get some relief from this horrible disease.

Gingerlugs profile image
Gingerlugs in reply to Samba50

Hi Samba50 - thank you for getting back to me. That is very interesting to hear. I obviously need to look into this further. Thanks again.

Dogmad6 profile image

I would think it highly likely that HRT could reactivate endometriosis. I have severe post hysterectomy endometriosis and wouldn't touch HRT for fear of making it worse. My GP is very against it for fear of reactivating endometriosis although I wouldn't want it anyway. I think you are right. You know your own body and how things feel. Good luck xx

Gingerlugs profile image
Gingerlugs in reply to Dogmad6

Thanks for your reply Dogmad6. And I hope things get better for you soon.

AnnaFiona profile image

Hi, I was really interested in your post.

I've been trying to find out if HRT reactivates endo too.

I am 49. I always had really painful periods altho wasn't diagnosed with endo. I had the menopause at about 43 and went on hrt. The pain on my left side that used to bother me during my periods, started to hurt again and a scan showed i had a chocolate cyst on my left ovary. Was advised to have my left ovary removed as being post menopausal was told i don't need ovaries. During the lap the surgery found a lot of endo- old and new, my left ovary was apparently pretty destroyed by endo and stuck to my pelvis, endo over bladder too. Surgeon said i should feel much better as ovary was out and endo had been ablated. I felt better for about 3 weeks then pain got A LOT worse. Saw gp and surgeon, no one really knew what was going on. No one suggested hrt might be keeping the endo active.

After months of strong painkillers I suggested I try reducing the hrt and the consultant said i could try but to consider i wouldn't have bone density protection etc anymore. ("Obviously" I thought. "Are you saying that's the most important thing?") I decided to try cutting hrt down. I take it every other day now. The pain DID subside (sadly hot flushes have returned too but not as badly.) I still get niggles but I've been able to come off the really strong painkillers.

The gynae team really didn't know whether hrt was feeding the endo but I feel it does. It would make sense- hrt has oestrogen after all. I'm amazed no one knows.

I tried researching it and found academic articles that said hrt IS a problem for women with endo. It is linked with endo lesions and even that there is a slightly higher chance of the lesions becoming cancerous. I put this to the gynae and they said there was no evidence that hrt made endo worse nor that it made lesions cancerous.

So it seems it is up to us to figure it out for ourselves. Sigh. Can't help but feel this would all be extensively researched and known about if men had endo/menopause.

If you are still experiencing pain I would push for a lap. Just because you have never been diagnosed with endo doesn't mean you don't have it. Look at my case- never diagnosed till 49 when it had destroyed an ovary and was fairly extensive. Don't let them fob you off. We have to advocate for ourselves. Best of luck.

Gingerlugs profile image
Gingerlugs in reply to AnnaFiona

Dear AnnaFiona,

Thanks for your very interesting reply - and sorry that you have been having such a difficult time of things. As you say, it is hard not to feel that endo/menopause would be more extensively researched if it affected men...

It does seem extraordinary that the link between HRT and endo isn't more widely considered given the role we know oestrogen plays in the latter. I also wondered if my recent pain might be linked to the fact I had my second Covid jab a couple of months ago. There does seem to be quite a lot of anecdotal evidence the vaccine can boost oestrogen levels. My female partner has been receiving IVF treatment and so has been monitoring her levels quite closely- they definitely increased after her second jab. Not sure if this is relevant to your situation or not, but thought it was worth mentioning.

I hope things improve for you and that you manage to find a bearable balance between pain and treating menopause symptoms. Thanks for your encouragement - I will keep asking questions!

AnnaFiona profile image

Hi Gingerlugs,

I hadn't heard that Covid jabs are linked to a rise in oestrogen levels. That is so interesting! Is the rise thought to be permanent do you know? My pain has increased in the past couple if months. I wonder if it's a coincidence.

How is your pain now? Your ordeal sounds horrendous! I have never heard of gastric flu causing pain so bad that morphine didn't work- seems a strange conclusion for the dr to come to. Did they have any suggestions as to why you were bleeding rectally?

I hope things are improving and good luck to you and your partner with the ivf!

Gingerlugs profile image
Gingerlugs in reply to AnnaFiona

Hi AnnaFiona,

I think the information about the Covid jabs is still fairly anecdotal at the moment, but from what I have read the disruptions to periods seem only to last for two or three months. I am hoping that means oestrogen levels fall after that period. Sorry your pain has been worse recently.

Yes, I was not convinced by the gastric flu diagnosis. The second doctor I saw said such a diagnosis would explain the bleeding. However, a different doctor did arrange an appointment for a pelvic ultrasound as she wasn't entirely convinced the problem was caused by an infection. I am going to talk to my GP who I hope might have some suggestions about what to do next.

I am feeling much better now thanks - bit sore and battered but much more able to function. Thanks for your good wishes re the IVF - been a bit of a long and stressful journey, but we are persisting...

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