I hope you are all coping ok. I felt compelled to join this forum because I am getting to the end of my tether with my symptoms and lack of support from GP’s. I would really appreciate some guidance on whether you think my symptoms could be endometriosis and if anyone has had any similar experiences please?
I am 43 and have experienced awful periods all my life since I started at the age of 15. After trying medication I went on the combined pill and remained on it until I was in my 30s. During this time I had recurring gynae, abdominal and bowel problems. I have lost count of the number of times I went to the doctors looking for answers. I was diagnosed with depression, numerous UTI’s, IBS, food intolerances, a retroverted uterus, fibroids, and hypermobility.
When I was 29 after experiencing overwhelming fatigue and pain for months I was diagnosed with ME/Chronic Fatigue syndrome and was referred for CBT. Ever since then whenever I go to a GP they usually say my symptoms are likely to be a flare up of my ME.
In my early 30s I came off the pill and my periods were (and still are) horrendous. I was told this was probably due to my fibroids and given naproxen and Tranexamic acid to help.
After years of trying to conceive I fell pregnant at the age of 37 and am over the moon to be a Mum. The labour was extremely long and painful and I ended up having to have an episiotomy and forceps delivery.
Since then, my periods have got worse and I am fed up of being fobbed off by the GP again. They are now blaming my age and hormones! I can’t actually believe the amount of times I have been told that it’s probably just one of those things. I should point out that I have lived in a number of places so this is a number of different surgeries.
In 2017 we tried a cycle of IVF for a second child but it was unsuccessful. They could still see the fibroids then but said they were smaller.
I have pain before my periods, during and after and the fatigue is awful. I am also really struggling with nausea and lightheadedness now which comes in waves throughout the day. The pain is in my lower abdomen and lower back, although it does move up my back too and round my hips and down my legs.
In November I went to my GP again because the symptoms are really affecting my life and I was offered the pill again but no diagnostic tests for anything, not even bloods. Since then I have been back numerous times and every time it’s a different GP. I was referred to a musculoskeletal specialist and they said the problem isn’t muscular which I already told the GP. It honestly feels like they think I am being dramatic and making it up.
I am physically and emotionally drained with it all. I have another appointment tomorrow morning and am going to ask for another referral again.
How do you get doctors to take your symptoms seriously? My Mum went through the menopause at 51 so if I I follow suit I still have a number of years of this left!
Thank you for reading!