Mirena Coil, still having periods!!!! - Endometriosis UK

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Mirena Coil, still having periods!!!!

Littlenestofvipers profile image

I’ve had my coil for a year now and still having full on painful periods. Has anyone else experienced this? I’m still waiting for my lap date to have my Endo excised 😭😭😭

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16 Replies
Rebeccasalt profile image

I still had painful periods when I had the mirena. I think different people respond differently. Have you gone back and mentioned to the doctor to check its all in the right placement? Turned out mine had slipped out of position.

Littlenestofvipers profile image
Littlenestofvipers in reply to Rebeccasalt

Yep apparently it’s perfectly placed 😞 told the consultant and he couldn’t believe I was still having proper periods that were painful. Just want this lap 😞

Rebeccasalt profile image
Rebeccasalt in reply to Littlenestofvipers

Its all so rubbish isn't it! :( I'm guessing you've tried other forms of contraception as well? I hope you get your lap soon!!

Littlenestofvipers profile image
Littlenestofvipers in reply to Rebeccasalt

Yep none of them agree with me ☹️ all the pills made me psychotic! The mirena reduces the symptoms but it was sold to me as guaranteed no periods and the golden solution to Endo... all such rubbish

Knina profile image
Knina in reply to Littlenestofvipers

Hi, I am the same way with all the pills. Mirena for me started to work after a few months. Because it has not started working in 1-4 months, I have been prescribed another med on the top of Mirena. It made me complete mess and the doctor was afraid that I might become suicidal. So we stopped it. The bottom line, Mirena works differently for everyone. In my case it is not strong enough to eliminate my symptoms completely and get rig of the periods completely. But it still works. Give it a time. I noticed big improvement in about 10 months:))))

Random789 profile image

I’ve had this as well! It worked brilliantly for the first 3 months as got rid of my periods but they came back with a vengeance and I’m basically in the same situation as you. I’ve been told to leave it in as “it’s supposed to help with painful periods” but I’ve had no joy.

What are you doing to cope with it as the minute?

Littlenestofvipers profile image
Littlenestofvipers in reply to Random789

It’s a nightmare isn’t it?! I’m glad you got 3 months restbite at least ☺️ my first 3 months were horrendous! I have reduced symptoms but the consultant can’t believe that I’m still having proper periods and pain to the extent that I’m bed bound... just can’t cope with this anymore - my work involves so much international travel and this isn’t helpful!!!!

I take codeine, I have a tens machine, I notice my exercise and general limits more. None of it helps 😞 even a 1 hour dog walk today wrote me off for the rest of the day!

Random789 profile image
Random789 in reply to Littlenestofvipers

Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear that! Yeah, they are confused about that with me as well. I can imagine how frustrating that is!

I get that, do you find the tens machine helps? I would just say keep pushing to be listened to, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel!

Littlenestofvipers profile image
Littlenestofvipers in reply to Random789

The tens machine does help but it’s definitely a very temporary fix. It’s a good distraction when you have severe pain but that’s about it for me really. I’ve heard much more positive comments about it from others tho so it might help!❤️

Ellenlar profile image

I'm undiagnosed and awaiting surgery. I got put on so many different pills for years then they gave me the coil... It eased the pain a bit but I still have heavy periods and it hasn't changed... 3 years in my coil dropped 3cm and had to be replaced I was having like labor pain for about 7 months eveyday till it eased... Now I just get periods like normal with pain... But lots of other issues and I have a surgery soon.. Some people just have periods anyway but if ur worried defo chat to your gp!!! Hope your okay x

I had mine put in during my lap in sept, when I was diagnosed and the bleeding has reduced a lot. I no longer have normal periods. But it has done nothing for my pain, I’m just having less bleeding, but still with full on pain and I still needing to take daily painkillers, which barely touch the pain these days. It maybe because they said they couldn’t get to the endo during my lap and would need additional surgery. But everyone seems to have their own tale when it comes to the mirena. I hope you get your date for your lap soon 🤞🏼

EndoG profile image

Hey, I’ve had Mirena for over 3 years and I still have periods. They’re not as heavy as they used to be, and last about 5 days less than they used to as well, but still painful as hell. They asked me to take the pill whilst on the Mirena to try and stop the pain, but that’s caused it’s own problems. I’m very wary about hormone treatment now.

Have you been referred to a pain management clinic?

Littlenestofvipers profile image
Littlenestofvipers in reply to EndoG

I’m so sorry to hear that 😞 it’s so rubbish isn’t it!

I’m so wary about hormone treatment too. All the pills made me almost psychotic, I was not a nice person on any of them! I had to be really convinced to have the mirena coil and I must say on the most part it’s paying off but I’m still having so much pain 😞 I haven’t been referred to a pain clinic, perhaps I should ask my GP?

They just kept giving me oral morphine - which obviously you can’t function on daily!!!!

EndoG profile image
EndoG in reply to Littlenestofvipers

Yeah I can’t stand the pill! Absolutely ask for pain clinic, they were so so helpful for me. They don’t look into the cause of pain, but just how to treat it so you can function daily. They gave me a tens machine which helps, and offered some kind of pain medication that you take before bed so it doesn’t make you drowsy in the day.

I’ve never heard of oral morphine being prescribed, is it helpful? Xx

Ellyfant profile image

Hiya! I had the coil for almost a year and experienced painful periods as well as very intense cramps almost all the time, worse than I'd had before. I also have had issues with hormones in the past and was vomiting consistently on the coil. I waited months before they asked me if I wanted it removed and really wish I'd asked sooner. I know it's not always right to get it out however the relief I felt once it was gone is indescribable. I had an ultrasound with it in and it was definitely in the correct position however it just did not work for me. Obviously this isn't the solution for everyone however, I would speak to your doctors, I've always found I've had to really stress how bad it is to be heard at all but they should hear you!

I've been waiting 8 months now for a lap and go in tomorrow! I know it's hard but you will get there eventually, just keep pushing for what you feel is best for your body. After all, no one can understand exactly how you feel.

I hope you get your lap date soon!!

Littlenestofvipers profile image
Littlenestofvipers in reply to Ellyfant

I’m so sorry to hear that 😞😞 that’s such a shame that you had such an adverse reaction to it.

I must say my symptoms on the whole have improved but I still have to be so careful with certain movements etc triggering unbearable pain. There’s nothing much I can do now as they will say wait until my lap and probably just give me even more painkillers 😖😖😖

I’m hoping it’ll be early next year... fingers crossed. I’m actually going to ring and chase tomorrow as I need to book a long trip abroad for April and Sod’s law will be I’ll book it and my date for lap will probs come through and conflict 😂

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