Has anyone stopped the pill completely fo... - Endometriosis UK

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Has anyone stopped the pill completely for less side effects but not TTC?

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Hi all, I had a laparoscopy end of 2016 which removed 'superficial endo' although was definitely in need of the surgery due to the pain. I have tried what feels like every pill on the planet and not got on with any. I now cannot take any oestrogen pills e.g. combined due to getting bad migraines which they say may cause stroke. I've tried a few progestogen only ones since Jan this year and that is not working either. Weight gain, bad nausea causing me to actually be sick. Pain is coming and going so perhaps the endo has come back. But the more research I do, I am honestly not convinced being on the pill is worth the gain. The pill does not help with organs glueing themselves together or adhesions. It is only potentially helping the endo to stop growing back. Which based on the random pain I am getting seems quite likely that has not worked. I had the mirena coil inserted after the surgery and that caused me so much pain I thought the endo had come back. Once had it removed felt a lot better at the time! I have read that multiple surgeries increases the chances of the endo growing back and spreading and of course the side effects, so I personally am very hesitant to go back down that route unless I felt it was a last resort. I do not want the injection or the implant or the copper coil for different reasons so I am basically out of options. Has anyone else come off the pill/ contraceptive completely and felt better for it? I am only staying on it as that is what drs keep saying is the sensible thing to do but I am not convinced. I did come off the pill a couple of years ago for about 6 months thinking I might try and get pregnant (alas the relationship ended) and I remember having awful withdrawal symptoms coming off the pill so realise there are issues with that in itself. I am not currently with a partner and given covid am unlikely to be dating for some time! I am soon to be 33 and haven't ruled out potentially wanting to try for my own baby but that seems incredibly unlikely to happen now given my age and not even dating! Any thoughts appreciated. PS I do realise everyone no doubt has different options about what will or won't work and surgery and treatments etc! Thanks.

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Dimah profile image

I also can't take estrogen and for other reasons can't have anything inserted (like mirena). I was on the mini pill for a while, but had to come off. Due to complications Dr wanted to avoid more surgeries (so did i).

I'm trying a natural progesterone pill - which is normally only used in HRT. Its experimental tone given on its own, but I was out of options. It's not a contraceptive. It doesn't completely deal with symptoms but i think it helps. Its Utrogestan.

I started this alongside a strict diet and supplements. Not sure what effect it would have on it's own. Good luck!

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