Painful tummy ibs endo and fibroid - Endometriosis UK

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Painful tummy ibs endo and fibroid

Crimsondoll profile image
6 Replies

Hi Ladies! Can anyone give advice to help painful ibs, due to Endo? Thanks X

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Crimsondoll profile image
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6 Replies
Moon_maiden profile image

Magnesium can sometimes help. I’m finding I have to take laxatives to keep things working at present. Still working on the digestive side and investigations

Do you avoid certain foods?

Crimsondoll profile image
Crimsondoll in reply to Moon_maiden

Thanks for your reply! X I don’t avoid certain foods i have with done but has had no effect and I’ve even tried avoiding fibre or eating more nothing helps. I have just been diagnosed with endometriosis and Adenomyosis also i have a large fibroid, waiting for hysterectomy X

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to Crimsondoll

Same on the hysterectomy. I’m trying to avoid dairy/gluten but not making a difference.

I do have live goats yogurt and add a capsule of probiotics to it. Haven’t worked out if it does much but the bacteria is good anyway.

I’ve got fibroids, but they just mention numerous. I saw pic after lap and there are a couple squished between uterus and bowel.

Do you know how long your wait is?

Moniczka profile image

Cześć Crimsondoll. Po prostu termofor to mój najlepszy przyjaciel. Kiedy mam opuchliznę i czuję ból. I pij czysty kwas askorbinowy każdego ranka. X

Moniczka profile image

Hello Crimsondoll. Simply put, the hot water bottle is my best friend. When I have swelling and feel pain. And drink pure ascorbic acid every morning. X

Noodle1984 profile image

I’m so sorry you’re suffering. I have 17 chronic conditions including endometriosis (stage 4 recto vaginal), fibroids and adenomyosis.

Are you getting diarrhea or constipation or both? I mostly get diarrhea but with my lap in February I now get a bit of both. In February they were able to remove a very large adhesion which had pulled my rectum up and over my vagina in the inside. I had to look at a diagram and even then I’m like how did that happen lol. It took 3 hours just for that adhesion and two surgeons (one Endo and one colon). I was lucky I didn’t end up with a colostomy bag.

If you’re just sitting waiting for your surgery I would suggest getting some medication to temporarily help with what ever it is you’re having. Laxatives for constitution and lomotil works amazing for chronic diarrhea. Both are not good long term but okay for a few months while you’re waiting for your surgery.

I find a heating pad works 10x better than a hot water bottle. It also doesn’t have the added weight and pressure (I have fibromyalgia so I am super sensitive to pressure).

Look at your diet. Eliminate sugar, wheat/gluten, dairy and especially soy (produces estrogen in the body, Endo feeds on estrogen). Try to reduce your processed food and eat as organic as you can. This is not a short term fix. These things cause inflammation in the body and with your 3 gyn conditions you’re body already has enough inflammation to go around. This is so important for even after your surgery. For me, I still have some ibs even after my surgery so it’s something to keep in mind. This is something that takes 6+ months to notice a difference and you have to be strict. When I eat something I shouldn’t my stomach bloats out really badly and I get instant diarrhea.

There is a supplement called iberogast. And it fixed 70% of my bowel issues. It’s purpose is to maintain proper motility so it doesn’t matter if you have constipation or diarrhea. It took about 5 months of taking it to really notice but within a couple weeks I could tell a difference. It is 100% natural and was made 50 years ago by bayer. It has like 8 different herbs in it. It tastes terrible (I recommend mixing with a small amount of juice and shot glassing it down) but it really helped my ibs.

Just as an FYI, in case no one has mentioned it but a hysterectomy is not a cure for Endo, only adenomyosis. Endo feeds on estrogen and can produce its own. So if implants are left behind they can continue to grow and even grow new ones.

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