Iron deficiency anemia : Wonder if anyone... - Endometriosis UK

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Iron deficiency anemia

C2691 profile image
16 Replies

Wonder if anyone has any thoughts on my most recent blood test results. Sorry About scruffy writing. I never understand the ranges. Are my results particularly low? How far in to the normal range should my numbers be?

I’m just wondering which of my symptoms can I put down to me being anaemic. Or is my iron only slightly low. Anyone who has any thoughts I’d be very grateful!

I’ve been given high dose of vit d for 7 weeks and iron tablets but been feeling so rubbish on top of all my normal pain etc.

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16 Replies
Moon_maiden profile image

I can’t really say on levels, but Vit D is quite common, the best form are either liquid capsules or a spray, tablets can be hit and miss but cheaper if they’ve prescribed. Make sure the iron is ferrous fumarate, less likely to cause constipation.

My Vit D has taken months to rise, but is increasing gradually.

Did they test for B vits, especially 12?

C2691 profile image
C2691 in reply to Moon_maiden

Vitamin b12 was ok I think. Yes I’m taking vit d capsule 3 times a week for 7 weeks then will re test. I can’t even tolerate ferrous fumerate. Makes me feel so ill. So I’m trying ferrous gluconate 4 times a day so far seems a bit gentler but still not great!! Thanks for replying 💕

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to C2691

Unusual for fumarate as it’s normally the gentler and more expensive. Normally why they don’t prescribe. Good they tested for other things, I had to ask specifically. I also asked them to test cortisol levels when they offered and I refused antidepressants. That came back normal, that should have told them something 😂.

C2691 profile image
C2691 in reply to Moon_maiden

Yes that’s what I’ve been told as well but still got very constipated with fumerate 🙁. Yeah I just told the gp I was feeling generally unwell and extremely tired and they tested all sorts but not sure cortisol was one of them. Pharmacist told me to take these tablets with food so because they’re lower in iron and I’m not taking them on empty stomach I think it’s going to be a while before notice any improvement. They say I have IBS so maybe that’s why I can’t tolerate the fumerate 🤷🏻‍♀️

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to C2691

Have you tried liquid iron? There’s a good supplement called floradix, sometimes liquids are easier to digest. They may have a liquid on prescription.

Cortisol is unlikely, it is to do with adrenals. I was being obnoxious when I asked 😂

There’s a fine line with IBS and endo, one of the reasons it takes so long to get diagnosed. Do you have an appointment with gynae?

C2691 profile image
C2691 in reply to Moon_maiden

They’ve tried to get me on antidepressants many times. 🙄🙄🙄🤦🏻‍♀️I’m not depressed just miserable because of my symptoms most of the time. I’ve had to sit in tears in a gp appointment filling in a questionnaire about depression when that was nothing to do woth why I went there. No gynae apps any time soon. I’ve been through my fair share of appointments etc. Had a lap in 2017. No endo apparently. But this is the only place where I can relate to other people’s symptoms and do wonder of anything was missed. I read so many articles about how long it takes to be diagnosed. 😒only diagnosis o have is PCOS and beginning of this year had quite a large cyst in my ovary which they say has gone now although my pain tells me otherwise 🤔. Sorry for the rant. I pretty much give up and get on with it at this point. Hoping I’ll feel a touch better once deficiencies are sorted. Haven’t tried liquid iron. Might look in to it once iron is up to try and keep it there. Don’t think my vegetarian diet helps with things 🤦🏻‍♀️

Moon_maiden profile image
Moon_maiden in reply to C2691

I know how you feel, I wouldn’t have accepted amitriptyline through GP, but coming from pain specialist was more acceptable. I’m not depressed, pain and discomfort puts you in a not so good place at times.

From what I’ve heard it can be missed by gynaecologist who doesn’t always know what to look for. Maybe if you can afford it see a specialist privately, make sure they do NHS as you may then be able to transfer to this. You can check with secretary first. Don’t rule it out, you know your body and how you feel. It just means perseverance, unfortunately.

Don’t apologise, we’ve all been there 🙂

You can still get iron on a vege diet, might be worth seeing if you can add/change anything. When you’re struggling with pain it’s very easy to not be thinking on these lines.

C2691 profile image
C2691 in reply to Moon_maiden

That’s what I did the first time round. Private consultation and lap on nhs. May Have to go down that route again soon. The waiting list was so long just go get a consultation I simply couldn’t wait and got a private consultation the following day. I will have to have a look at my diet also see what I can do. Thank you so much for all your advice. 💕

GoldenGirl2002 profile image

I had similar results, Ferritin is to do with iron absorption but I don’t think 5 is worryingly low, I was 0 when they tested mine and after an iron infusion I’m back to normal (I can’t tolerate Iron tablets due to another condition), I think most of your results are easily fixable :)

C2691 profile image
C2691 in reply to GoldenGirl2002

Thanks so much. I’ve struggled to find iron I can tolerate. Currently taking ferrous gluconate 4 times a day and so far it’s been better that sulphate/fumerate. Hopefully I’ll see an improvement soon. 😌

Spireite profile image

GPs are pretty useless on Vit D (bit like they are with Endo). Some CCGs won't test for it at all, and others have levels that are just above ricket prevention. Ideally you should be at the top end of that range. Worth noting that when I got my Vit D up to 110, my periods were a lot lighter! There are some good FB groups who can help you get your VitD up (just be warned there are some rude nutjobs out there too). Best way is to take VitD3 with a source of fat, Vit K2 and Magnesium (be warned some forms may give you the runs). Early days of treating it, you can end up with more aches and pains, worth persisting.

Ferritin/Iron. When I had some private blood tests to keep an eye on my Vit D, my iron was just inside OK, but Ferritin shocking. Their report recommended taking L-lysine. I did a little research and found a study that concluded taking Iron every other day, with Vit C, and spreading the same total dosage out over twice the length of time, raises Iron and Ferritin more than daily over half the time (and reduces some negative side effect of iron supplementation that I can't remember the name of) Ferrous Fumarate is rough on my guts too, but it when I did alternate days with VitC and L-Lysine the side effects were much less severe, and I got my Iron and Ferritin up to a level my GP never managed!

C2691 profile image
C2691 in reply to Spireite

Thank you so much. Wow didn’t even think vit d could affect periods. I could cry happy tears if it had an effect on my heavy bleeding!!!😭😭 what was your vit d the first time you tested? 💕

Spireite profile image
Spireite in reply to C2691

Honestly, I don't know.

I was stuck with a GP keep prescribing iron tablets every time I had bloods done, and they kept on focusing on my iron being 'on the low side' and prescribing yet more fumarate, instead of sending me to gynae or testing to see if it was anything else. I'd given up going to them.

I'm a sun avoider due to my skin burning easily, high factor sunscreen stops the body producing natural Vit D. I was desperate to feel less fatigued and figured I'd be low even if I was tested by my GP. Started taking the 'protocol' suggested on the group I joined, and they pointed me in the direction of private blood test providers. Should have really tested first, but felt too crap to wait for the kit to arrive and get results. After several months on 10,000IU a day (plus cofactors) I was up to 110 on retest, so I dread to think what it was before.

I've not taken it for a few months, pushed myself to spend time in the sun rather than supplement, but I need to get back on it for winter. Want to get another test, but usually get the bloods taken rather than doing pin-prick at home, and I don't know how Covid has affected getting them drawn. Periods have started getting heavier recently...

I'm 49 so feel free to dismiss my medical study with one participant as perimenopause, but there have been others in the VitD groupps that have commented that their periods have improved as they've got their levels up. Fingers-crossed you get a positive effect too.

C2691 profile image
C2691 in reply to Spireite

Yes I avoid the sun too. I burn so quickly but I must try harder now I think. I’ve never had vit d tested to I do wonder how i long it’s been low for! Keeping everything crossed this will make me feel better. Wow it does take a long time to build it back up doesn’t it!! Hmmmm I’m 29. And my periods have always been horrendous but particularly over the past few years.

Lofty1589 profile image

The Vit D is low and I’m glad you were given tablets. Mine was at 19.5 when I last had bloods done (due in 2 weeks now) and I was given nothing!

C2691 profile image
C2691 in reply to Lofty1589

🙁I wonder why 🤷🏻‍♀️ did you take your own? Are you feeling any better?

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