Does anyone have trouble with recurring low iron levels and others vitamin d etc and getting really weak and exhausted before being diagnosed. Is ot known for women with endo to have trouble with their ferratin levels even eating healthily?
LOW IRON LEVELS: Does anyone have trouble... - Endometriosis UK

When I bleed for 2-3 weeks, I do feel exhausted all the time, and no matter how much I sleep it's never enough. Things that help me are a liquid iron supplement, Floradix, I got it off Boots, and I also try and eat "blood nourishing" foods, red meat, spinach, kale, dark leafs, beans, beef/chicken broths. It works for me, hope it works for you!
Thanks i do eat those foods but i know when i need to go to the docs because my health gets worse and food doesnt work. I still like tomsee the doc for blood tests to say my irons low because i dont want to overdose myself with iron supplements from a shop incase its not iron and sonething else which many girls do. As soon as some girls say there tired they think its iron and they go out buy it.
I don't know if it's common for endo suffers but I have very low ferritin levels and have done for years prior to getting my endo diagnosis, it makes me very tired and my hair falls out too. I get regular tests from my go and take iron tablets when necessary, when my levels are stable I take a vitamin supplement but always they seem to go back down. My gp never has been able to say why
Since about two months ago, I had low iron levels. The doctor prescribed me iron tablets. Had to take 3 a day. I had many blood tests after taking the tablets, but my iron levels never seemed to go up. At some point, I stopped taking the iron tablets (just got out of the routine of taking them) had more blood tests and still nothing. Then the last blood test I had done, my iron levels had gone up and the level was normal. I don't know what made it change, but I'm no longer on the iron tablets at all. Though I do find myself feeling weak and tired all the time.
I eat healthily, so that can't be the reason for the low iron. But my doctor told me that it could be linked to the large amount of blood I lose when on periods and my body working harder because of the pain suffering. That's my story with it
i have low iron and vit d and have to take supplements for both. i've also been diagnosed with ME. I think a lot of us have problems with fatigue. Hope this helps xx