Ovary bowel tethering. Lots of adhesions from surgical procedures including ectopic pregnancy with rupture, tubal ligation gone wrong (subsequent removal of broken tube and clip), cystectomy x2, vaginal hysterectomy. 1 week ago confirmed extensive endometriosis. I'm in so much pain and hope this zoladex can help me. Kate
About to try Zoladex for pain. Does it wo... - Endometriosis UK
About to try Zoladex for pain. Does it work? What can i expect?

I haven’t used it myself but didn’t want to just read and run, sending big hugs and hopefully the morning crowd will know more.
I’m not surprised you are in pain, do you have a surgery date for the endometriosis?
Thank you for your reply my lovely. The gyney said that there is too much damage and too many adhesions to go in and create more damage (Just yet). I know there is bowel involvement so I'm holding on for this zoladex as my last hope before a "resection and possible colostomy bag" (her words). I am quite literally getting ready to have this injection this morning 9.30am... so wish me luck I guess x
Hey there, sorry to hear how much pain your in.
I’ve got very severe endo & tried everything & kept putting off the injections of zoladax until this year enough was enough.
I must say pain wise best thing ever for me, only down side is I’m 36 in a fake menopause, I’m having a break from my hrt to see if it helps with my migraines. Some women only have it for 6mths, I’m on it until they can remove my final ovary, I expect in a month or 2 I will be on a low dose of HRT to protect my bones.
It’s worth a try as your in so much pain
Good luck & best wishes xx
That makes me feel better. My Chemist didn't have it in stock yesterday so today is the day! Although migraines is something I am already dealing with (APS auto immune) so hope I don't get more of them. X
Your consultant may not start you on HRT straight away, some women have no hrt for a couple of months & it needs to be the lowest dose for migraines . I’ve been reading tons of info of the BMS site & women’s health org that gives great info. It’s all about your age & risk factors.
COVID has messed stuff up I just had my GP decide on my hrt dose, it’s a fine balance & it’s important all your other factors are considered! Defo ask for eastrogen patches, but it’s been hard sourcing them, makes me very frustrated that there’s hrt shortages! I think for me lower Estrogen patches & possibly coil will be best for me. My consultant hopefully can give advice when I see him.
Good Luck with it all & I hope it helps you. X
Thanks I'll have a look. I had the injection a couple of hours ago. So there's no turning back now. I'm not sure what they intend to do with me next, I'm sure I'll get shuffled from doctor to doctor, put on more meds, so on and so forth. I've read heaps on succussful adhesiolosis surgery but can't seem to find a surgeon here (perth western australia) who wants to touch me with a ten foot pole. X
I'm about to have my 5th injection of Zoladex while waiting endo surgery. My bowel and ovary are stuck to my womb. It is fantastic - I have virtually no pain. I didn't have any pain at all before I took HRT and virtually no IBS. I get some pain now with bowel movements and my IBS is a little grumbly but nothing compared to what it was. The injection isn't fun (I hate injections) but I take propranol before hand and that take s the edge off it. Good luck xx
Try Emla cream, I put it on about an hour and a half beforehand, you have to use a clear plastic covering plaster.
Fifth next week, I’ve not noticed a difference, it is very much individual though. Consultant seems to think it’s working from lap to recent MRI
Sorry to hear you are in a lot of pain
I am just having a break from the injections following a 6 month course.
I found it took a couple months to kick in but once it stopped my bleeding, which was heavy and irregular. It also helped a lot with pain although my pain didn’t totally go away. I found got rid of debilitating symptoms that came with my cycle. The pain I have at other times remained but even then think was more manageable
The only issue I had with the injections is once they started working i got more and more menopause symptoms. Which I think on balance I would take over pain and heavy irregular periods.
As I said above I have been off the injections for three or four months now. I have yet to have a proper period but my symptoms are back. Awaiting to see what my next plan is. My doctor has gone to consultant for advice.
Anyway good luck hope you get relief with the injections