Had results back today from an internal ultrasound scan and they've advised I have a retroverted uterus.
I've read up this can be associated with endo.
Anyone have experience of this please?
Thank you
Had results back today from an internal ultrasound scan and they've advised I have a retroverted uterus.
I've read up this can be associated with endo.
Anyone have experience of this please?
Thank you
Hiya, I spoke to my specialist about this and she said that most women with endo have a retroverted one. Nothing to worry about though! X
Hi, yes I have the same and have stage 4 endo. Other than makes intercourse painful no other issues.
I have that I have andometriosis all inside and outside of my uteris and I have andometriosis in my pelvis.could be andometriosis or endometriosis or both
Thank you all!!
Can they find andometriosis when doing a lap? Thanks!x
Adenomyosis is when the same Endo plants become implanted in the muscle of the uterus. They cannot see this during a lap because it’s in the muscle wall of the inside of your uterus. An mri or a trans vaginal ultrasound performed by a Endo specialist will be able to tell you if it’s likely you have adenomyosis. Usually you have a bulky uterus and they can tell. The only definitive way to diagnosis it is after you have a hysterectomy and they do pathology. The only cure for it is a hysterectomy. I have both.
I had a MRI scan that's how they diagnosed mine x
i have all the symptoms of endo, not officially diagnosed yet but.. i do have a retroverted uterus!!!
i have suspected endo & also have a retroverted uterus. very common