Does anyone else have a retroverted uterus? I’ve been told I have but it was normal before?!
Retroverted uterus? : Does anyone else have... - Endometriosis UK
Retroverted uterus?
I was told that too. I think it’s quite common.
I was told that when I had my coil put in two weeks ago but I’ve always thought it was normal as it’s never been mentioned after pelvic exams x
Agreed Lindle!
I had a retroverted uterus . This was discovered during my first pregnancy . I didn’t develop endometriosis until after both pregnancies. And, it was as you describe- ‘ stuck’ to just about any surrounding tissue it could adhere to!
Not a pleasant experience, for sure. Sorry about that. And, it was 7 years before I had a diagnosis - but I do believe endo' was developing well before then. I encountered lots of problems a long time before any of the more obvious symptoms.
I too had stage 1V endo' resulting in a total abdominal hysterectomy- 20 years ago as of this week strangely enough!
I hope you don’t mind me asking, but what was this like? I don’t mean the surgery, but the aftermath in the last 20years. I’m currently considering this option x
Hi Cyards
Asking is certainly no problem.
So,for me, the relief (after recovery) was extremely welcome. After many years of awful pain, discomfort and debilitating fatigue, I began to feel more like my old self. I was prescribed Estraderm (oestrogen) patches the day after my operation - as having my ovaries removed too warranted some form of protection from osteoporosis and the possibility of heart disease. I was 39 at the time. was slightly worried about the use of HRT due to the possibility of it contributing to breast cancer. I was advised that because of being relatively young-ish at the time of my hysterectomy I had a greater need to protect my bones and heart health. The downside of a total hysterectomy without any form of HRT means you are then going to experience a surgically induced menopause-which could be, for some, a tad more bothersome as opposed to a naturally occurring one where the ovaries stop producing oestrogen at a more gradual pace.
Hysterectomy was the answer for me but everyone is different, and what might be the right solution for one, might not be for someone else.
Endo adhesions and endometriomas can pull or push the uterus out of position. So it could have moved over time due to endo, sadly!
Yeh it normal, i got told i had one when had my first smear about 20 years ago, nothing to worry about just means it at a bit of a different angle!
But I had a normal uterus before when I was pregnant they told me. I’m convinced it’s cause of endo. Having a lap done privately soon by an endo specialist so will let yah know x
Could it have been the birth that tilted ur uterus? Or being pregnant?
Sometimes things just move , my mum has never been told she had one but last time she had a smear the nurse whose she had for years said hers had tilted but theyd never noticed it before?
Who knows?
Us women we have very strange bodies, lovely but strange
Me! I don’t think it makes much difference I got pregnant easily first time round - in case u wondered. Xx
Hi Leah
Did You have any problems during delivery? I was told I have a RV uterus at my first scan - I do not have Endometriosis - but I do have a slipped disc which causes me sciatica. So I am worried that as I get heavier (only 15w atm and not showing at all!), whether the uterus position is going to make the back pain worse? And second, whether I will be able to give birth naturally (my hospital scheduled an extra consultant appointment to discuss birthoptions wir me).
Finally, when did you show? I wonder if I will show much later given the positioning in my body. The projected birth weight is between 3.2-3.8kg - can it be that RV uterus babies grow smaller?