Hi everyone! Hope you’re all ok ❤️ just wondering if anyone has ever had severe ongoing breast pain while on the Mirena coil? I’ve always had breast pain but this has gotten unbearable. I can’t even touch my boobs lightly, I can’t touch my nipples. I can’t be without a bra because they move too much and cause too much pain but I can’t wear a bra either because that also causes so much pain. Walking on any uneven ground is a no no, walking slightly too fast even!!! I can’t sleep properly because they are so so so tender 😔 they are absolute AGONY!!!!
Mirena and breast pain: Hi everyone! Hope... - Endometriosis UK
Mirena and breast pain

Hey, I’ve had the M coil for 1 week and my breast are very sore! ☹️ X
Why’s there no solutions that don’t have side effects 😔 my boyfriend just brushed past me and brushed my boob by accident and I was in so much pain! He said I was being dramatic but they just don’t get it....
Yes I have been on the Mirena for just over 4 years now and I have to say it’s pretty bad. For me it’s during I guess what would be my period but they cause me agony! I struggle to wear bras during this time and are so so sore so I really do sympathise with you.
I found this site BECAUSE of this issue. I've had the M coil for over three years and this past month, I've started to gain weight and experience excessive swelling and pain in my breasts. I haven't been doing anything that would cause the weight gain. I'm astounded that the coil would cause this reaction after this long a time. Going to Planned Parenthood tomorrow to try to get some answers. I am very disappointed if M is causing it because it has been so helpful until now for my PMDD.
Unfortunately yes and the only way that stop it is to have the coil removed. I think it's the type of progesterone they use in the coil that causes the issues because I now take cerezette and I've had no breast issues with that.
Just thought I'd update and say the longer I've been taking cerezette I have horrible breast pain with this now as well so disregard my previous comment.
Yes, very sore on Mirena. Also constant lower back pain and started waking up with banging headaches, every day. Had it taken out. Waking headaches gone from next morning. Get some breast pain now and lower back pain, but nowhere near what it was and I do get pain free days now too. Back on pill. In process of overhauling diet. Feeling much better 😊
Is this the same when your coming to end of your coil I’m just under a month until my coil is removed and my breasts are so sore and I’m having pains like period pains but no blood I’m not sure if this is because my coil has nearly ran out