Just wanted to post in case this can be of help to others . I have adenomyosis and suspect I have Endo. I have been taking the herb Angus castus for several months . It is supposed to be beneficial for PMS but what I have found is it’s helped massively with my pain. I used to get severe pain first day of my period to the point of regularly passing out , my last few periods have been nothing compared to what they used to be . They are still uncomfortable but a walk in the park compared to before . It’s not for everyone and not suitable if you are TTC etc but I would defiantly recommend it. It’s sold in Holland and Barrett and amazon, I use the Natures Way variety one capsule twice a day .
Agnus castus ( vitex): Just wanted to post... - Endometriosis UK
Agnus castus ( vitex)

I've used this too for 6 months the advise i got form a herbalist/nutritional therapist was that shouldn't be used long term? it totally regulated my periods which was a miracle but didn't help with pain for me. 6 months on without taking it taking it and I'm still regular!! (I have Adeno and Endo)
Could you tell me why it’s not recommended when ttc
I think it has something to do with possibly causing uterine contractions but I’m not totally sure . Says so on the bottle . However I used it when I was TTC and did so without risk, it’s a bit controversial as some midwives recommend it .
I was thinking of trying it to regulate but I’m ttc and a lot of people on fertility network recommend it so that’s strange I wonder if it’s certain brands x
Did it help you when ttc
It did for me yes, I was pregnant a month or so later . I took it up until I was 12 weeks pregnant then I stopped. Some advice says it works to prevent miscarriage and other advice tells you not to take it . I’m not a medical expert so just carried on with it as I worried stopping it might present a risk but it’s very much an individual thing . However I have taken it after trying to conceive another child and it hasn’t worked for me so I guess right time right place .