I have been going to the doctors for on and off pelvic pain for around two years now. The pain is a dull ache usually on my left side.
I have had every test under the sun (expect a lap) and everything came back normal expect one of the ultrasounds I had. This was my second ultrasound; the first came back clear and healthy, the second showed I had a cyst on my right ovary. The nurse said it was a simple cyst, nothing to worry about and to go back in 6 weeks to get it checked again. She said it was causing the pain but pushing everything slightly to the left.
I mentioned my worry on endo and she said while she cannot rule it out 100% as a lap is the only way to officially diagnose, she said my symptoms don’t match and to not worry it is probably not endo.
However, due to my health anxiety I can’t help but fear she may be wrong. What if I have endo has she didn’t realise? What is she mistook a chocolate cyst for a simple one?
Should I trust my gyno and try to calm myself down or should I be worried?