Anyone else have bad skin alongside endo? - Endometriosis UK

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Anyone else have bad skin alongside endo?

A1LIN profile image
26 Replies

I haven’t suffered from acne the usual way people do during their teens. My acne started when I turned 20 and gets better and then worse and one moment I think it’s getting better and that one thing I changed must be working. And then boom an explosion all over my face. This has been going on for four years.

I’ve tried a strict vegan diet and nothing changes. Different supplements to support my endo and no budge.

I have had a test and I have a poorly working liver phase II detox pathway. Anyone else had this tested by any chance ?

Just wondering if anyone else suffers with bad skin alongside endo ?

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A1LIN profile image
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26 Replies
hltz profile image

I have bad skin - posted about it on here a few days ago because I was so frustrated. Did you get your test through the NHS or private? This is something I might consider because like you I have tried everything and nothing seems to help.

A1LIN profile image
A1LIN in reply to hltz

It was private and I found out by accident when I was looking into this with a nutritional therapist. I don’t think the NHS would even offer this test

L2213 profile image

Hey my skin has been up and down I wouldn’t say it was acne but cystic type spots around the time of my period really painful and would end up leaving scars as well as lots of whitehead bumps under my skin. I never used to have any issues with my skin until I came off the pill several years ago and was subsequently diagnosed with endo - just replying as you mentioned being vegan. I tried cutting out foods and skin care routines etc but when I cut out almonds and almond milk my skin improved dramatically just thought I’d mention it just in case xxx

A1LIN profile image
A1LIN in reply to L2213

Hey, I’m the same, I came off the pill and found out I had endo and my skin got bad too

Thanks I’ll give it a go, I actually started drinking almond milk again since moving to my parents during everything xx

L2213 profile image
L2213 in reply to A1LIN

Good luck fingers crossed it works for you too xxx

Afrohair profile image

As endo is very much to do with immune imbalance it’s highly likely you would get bad skin especially if you take things such as the contraceptive pill and all those hormones which can cause skin flare ups.i think it is very much a hormonal imbalance which comes with having endo I’m 34 I’ve just got the pain under control and I’m now having skin flare ups the only thing it is pointing to at the minute is my progesterone levels since I introduced progesterone gel into my system I am in the process of finding the right amount needed for my body also I experience hair loss so I definitely think it’s hormones dropping and rising I say this because what I experience is very much like the drop I had when I was pregnant which encouraged my hair to fall out and when pregnant I also had bad skin during my first trimester which I don’t usually have skin issues I don’t wear make up or anything so I definitely think it’s hormonal

A1LIN profile image
A1LIN in reply to Afrohair

I agree that it’s hormonal, I’m trying the natural route since being diagnosed so I don’t take hormones or anything similar and don’t drink alcohol or eat sugar

It’s a real head scratcher for me what it could be

Someone recommended me an immune balancing multivitamin which I’ve been taking and my skin has gotten worse

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to A1LIN

When it comes to hormones you usually need time for them to level out keep trying the vitamins though I don’t know what you’ve been recommended I wouldn’t say one single pill would help but a combination of them.and also look at your diet as your vitamins aswell. everything you eat ask yourself will this help my skin and hormones etc I don’t eat red meat and if I do eat meat it’s organic same with eggs. you could also get your hormones tested e.g progesterone as us endo girls don’t usually have enough.its good your not on any hormones in my opinion if your able to manage that way.if you see one of my posts I have a full file on what vitamins to take if you have endometriosis and this is found from factual information books I’ve read.i want to do some further reading into trying for a baby and endometriosis so I will publish that soon enough

Daftpunk262 profile image
Daftpunk262 in reply to A1LIN

Hi A1LIN, does your multivitamin contain Vit B12? My skin also became much worse after taking a multivitamin a few months ago and since then I’ve read that B12 can exacerbate or lead to acne

Bethleah profile image

Hi I do too. I’ts hormonal for me. On my face I use diluted tea tree as a cleanser and then diluted lemon Juice or diluted acv as a toner. Not convinced by the acv but going to try for a bit longer. At the moment I have spots all round my mouth on the left side, all my Endo is on left side too. I take biotin for the hair loss. It could also be Due to being peri menopausal .

A1LIN profile image
A1LIN in reply to Bethleah

I will give those a try

Around the mouth is definitely hormonal and gynaecological

Melon365 profile image

I have bad skin as well. Mine is all over my back and shoulders and then I will get larger spots in the most random place like my forearm or my ribs.

I also suffer really badly with dry skin at certain times of the month. It will be fine and then I will wake up one day and my hands are cracked and my face so flaky.

For me it is the hormones because it happens with my cycle and I think maybe yours is too. That is why it seems to go away and come back. I will have a slightly better month and don't notice the ache and then the next it is everywhere.

A1LIN profile image
A1LIN in reply to Melon365

Sorry to hear about your skin , i used to have it on my body too, I read about it, it sounds like your body is trying to detoxify and eliminate through the skin. Maybe unload your toxin load and swap out salty sugary refined foods.

I had dry skin too and I read about balancing your omega 3 and omega 6 intake and when I started taking fish oil, and eating nuts (if you’re not allergic) and using more olive oil, my skin is a lot more nourished and glowy despite the spots all over it

I agree, mine comes with ovulation and premenstrually

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to Melon365

Spots on your body indicate a zinc deficiency lots of products with zinc need to be used it’s hard to keep it clear on your back but I highly recommend zinc ,daily showers or even showers when you are a little sweaty change clothes regular I’m not trying to say you don’t do these things by the way but spots on the body are soo hard to get rid of and need cleaning twice daily .look into head and shoulders shampoo it has zinc in they sell it in big bottles use lightly on your back diluted

Chloelouise92 profile image

I haven’t been diagnosed with Endo but am awaiting a laparoscopy for suspected. I don’t suffer with acne but my skin does go through phases of having a lot of spots then it will fine for a while. Another thing I’ve noticed since I’ve been suffering with symptoms is I’ve had a few random quite nasty looking rashes come up on my skin different places over my body ...not sure if anybody else has had this!

Could be totally unrelated but who knows! X

A1LIN profile image
A1LIN in reply to Chloelouise92

What is the rash like? Like nettle/heat rash? Or small bumps or very itchy? x

Chloelouise92 profile image
Chloelouise92 in reply to A1LIN

The one I had on my stomach was really weird they were like lots of small patches that went really scabbed over...weren’t itchy at all! Then the one on my arms were like hundreds of really tiny spots and again weren’t itchy at all...I did initially think it was heat rash but it was there for days! X

A1LIN profile image
A1LIN in reply to Chloelouise92

Try to see if it’s something your taking it eating that causes this. Maybe through stopping some products like creams or perfumes for a while see if they stop and introduce them back in one by one to see whose the culprit x

Loot34 profile image

Hello. I can relate with exactly the same problem. It took 10 years to be diagnosed with endo and pcos and to get effective treatment but now I have found a combination of things that mean I have barely any breakouts and much less pain, soreness and redness on the face. Unfortunately, there is now also scarring to contend with because it took so long to be recognised as a deeper issue. I wish you the best of luck and if you want to ask any further questions, I'm happy to answer and do my best to help.

A1LIN profile image
A1LIN in reply to Loot34

Thank you, I have suspected PCOS too alongside endo, can I ask what that combination of things was? Maybe I have tried it at some point maybe I haven’t.

Loot34 profile image
Loot34 in reply to A1LIN

I have been prescribed a pill called Dianette which is known to particularly help with acne but only prescribed in the instant that the patient is otherwise healthy. Meaning that they agree to not smoke and keep a healthy weight to avoid blood clots.

Alongside this pill, I have a skincare routine which I have taken some time to compile but helps to keep my skin healthy (willing to give more details if it will help but i imagine these products could vary largely from person to person. The brands of moisteriser i use are dermatologically suitable for extremely sensitive and inflammatory skin and were recommended to me by a dermatologist. Avène and La Roche-Posay.

Additionally to the skincare routine, I have invested in a silk pillowcase and only use non-oil washing powder on my skin followed by the most sensitive fabric conditioner I can find.

Feel free to ask for further clarification if needed. Best of luck.

Ejrn profile image

I’m the same as well. Came off of the pill in august and have had terrible skin since! It’s not necessarily big red spots but more so lots of bumps or white heads under the skin giving me an awful texture across my forehead and either side of my nose. I’ve done 6 weeks on Duac and it’s definitely brought the texture down but still have a new spot pop up on a weekly basis. Think it is definitely due to hormone imbalances, I’ve never had acne before but both times I’ve taken a break from the pill I’ve broken out massively.

A1LIN profile image
A1LIN in reply to Ejrn

Skin that’s more prone to spots has quicker skin cell growth and slower turnover and really gentle exfoliation (not with a scrub) with acids like BHA should help a lot, start slowly like a little every three days and build it up to every day , it helps me so much mine isn’t as bad as it used to be , it could help the white spots especially

Dellie17 profile image

I know I work for this company but have had amazing reports from people using the full Tropic skincare range from start to finish cleanser toner moisturiser and clear skin and blue lagoon for acni. We have a catalogue of products and hundreds of testimonials online of people using it to clear up acni and Random breakouts.But you would need to invest in the products for life these are all vegan products and do exactly as you’re supposed to do so if you already use cleanser toner and moisturiser then this range is just going to make your skin better and will probably be a similar price to what you already pay as they are not overly expensive and they work.

If you want any information you can contact me but I’m not going to put anything here as I don’t want you or anybody to think that I’m interested in selling I really am not I just know the perils of having endometriosis and was mine wasn’t a skin issue but I feel for anybody in the same situation. 🌱

A1LIN profile image
A1LIN in reply to Dellie17

Thank you for the recommendation

Jbp222 profile image

Hi there. I was diagnosed with PCOS alongside Endo. The pill I was on was hiding the pcos symptoms and my pcos symptoms weren’t obvious (acne and scarring on ovaries on Vaginal ultrasound). I didn’t have problems with hair on my face. For my second Endo surgery I had to come off the pill a second time, raging acne and hair loss around my temples was noted, Im only 30 so it’s not a menopause issue. Physically and mentally for the most part, I’m much better off the pill but dianette really cleared up my skin. I wasn’t living a full life on the pill so I’m giving aldactone/spiro a shot and seeing a dermatologist in November (so hard to get an appointment). A lot of people have acne related to pcos and have no idea. Antibiotics and that didn’t work for me because the issue is hormonal. Hope you can find a way to get treated, but if you can tolerate the pill, Dianette has excellent skin benefits

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