I have started having a dull ache like a tugging or pressing sensation in my lower left abdomen throughout the month. Has anyone else experienced this with endo?
Anyone else have this type of pain? - Endometriosis UK
Anyone else have this type of pain?

I have something very similar to this but currently waiting for a laporoscopy so I can’t say for sure that I have endometriosis. I think I’ve probably had my niggling achey pain for a long time but it has certainly become more noticeable in the last year or so. For me it almost feels like it’s coming from inside my hip, deep in my pelvis but often radiates all around my pelvic area and can be quite hard to pinpoint. The feeling of pressure is definitely familiar though and I have read people describe endo pain as a tugging sensation.
Hi! Yes I get this pain too, and the same as how Pinky_234 described as well! I can normally get by without any pain relief, but will take paracetamol but last week I got an awful pain on my left side that lasted for 4/5 hours and eventually went away after 3 hot water bottles. I'm still on the journey of endo so nowhere near keyhole surgery
Hi, I’m sorry you are also going through this. Mines so far has been very mild just consistent. I was sent on this journey due to elevated ca125 (50) and clear scans. My gynae doesn’t really want to do a laparoscopy just yet either . I hope you get some answers soon x
Yeah I have always had bad periods and first thought pcos but had no symptoms so someone mentioned endo to me and after researching I was like oh wow those are all ones I experienced! I got a blood test that also had elevated ca125, had my first ultrasound that was clear, but then another was made as they wanted to "look at my right ovary again"? And in the second scan they found cysts on both ovaries and endometrioma, my third ultrasound showed the cysts have gotten bigger - I was put on provera for three months but had to stop taking it as it was causing breast lumps :/ but the provera took all the pain and twinges away! I'm currently waiting to see by the gynae again, just keep pushing!! 💜 Good luck
My periods have changed since I turned 21, the first day is a lot more painful and I do have quite large clots. I have always just been told normal.
That’s interesting that they wanted a second look at your ovary ! Were both your sounds TV? My CT scan did show a 2cm cyst but it resolved by the time I got my ultrasound and my consultant said it was a functional ovulatory cyst and not the cause.
I have been put on microgyno, I’m not sure how this will help but it may regulate things.
I hope you get some clarity soon! It’s awful how many hoops us women have to jump through just to be taken seriously 🙏🏼🩷
I get this pain! I was diagnosed with Endo last August - I have a nodule on my ureter and also have it on my left uterosacral ligament
Hi! Was your endo ever visible on scans? I’m currently working towards a lap but my scans have so far been clear
I've recently started having this sharp pain in my lower left abdomen and it worse when I go for a wee and now the pain has improved two weeks later and now started my period but I constantly need to go for a wee and have leakages. And pain from this area when I pee. I have been diagnosed with severe endo and listed for lap and bowel surgery. But nothing to do with my bladder not sure if it's spread. I have had a cystoscopy three years ago and had a urethral dilation due to inflammation of tissue but no infection. Maybe its been missed. I have a gp appointment Monday I may push for another mri.
I have similar pain, not super painful but very annoying
I was diagnosed with adenomiosys, endo and cyst
It’s unclear what exactly causing this pain for me
Yes. I have it on my right. I have fixed right ovary. Throughout the month if I'm ovulating or constipated my right side pulls. It obviously needs to move but takes the rest of insides with it!Tens is a help and also heat pads xx
Thank you for replying. I’m currently waiting on a laparoscopy, I have had a raised ca125 but clear scans so have been pushed down the endo route. Can I ask if you ever had this test and were the levels raised? Thanks
You're very welcome.I cannot confirm that my ca125 levels were tested routinely.
I always have leukocytes and blood in my urine but never an infection. I know that it's my endometriosis.
I'm sorry I can't help with that side of things.
My advice would be to ask that question again on here or perhaps some endo groups.
I hope you're not worrying too much. Remember to take some time to de stress.
Lap is the best way of knowing what is going on and I hope that gives you some concrete answers.
Feel free to message again if you need anything.