In respect to the NHS cancelling all rout... - Endometriosis UK

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In respect to the NHS cancelling all routine operations RE Covid-19

K-Endo profile image
32 Replies

Hi all,

In respect of the recent measure to cancel all routine operations , do we think our laparoscopy or other surgeries i.e bowel surgery will come under this.

I’m due to see my specialist on 3rd April and I’m hoping bowel surgery will be scheduled for the next coming months. I’m just incredibly anxious that this now won’t happen due to this recent announcement.

Thank you.

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K-Endo profile image
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32 Replies
AllthatGlitters profile image

Yes definitely, my op will be moved out now 😭they are only doing emergency/urgent operations to allow beds to be free for Covid 19 x

K-Endo profile image
K-Endo in reply to AllthatGlitters

Gutted! Right back to the bottom of the waiting list , waiting until God knows when x

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to K-Endo

Hi I know how you feel.

I don’t know if we will be put back onto the bottom of the list tho for our operations. I suppose it will depend on the NHS Trust and how many cases and beds they need for covid 19. It’s the unknown 😢

K-Endo profile image
K-Endo in reply to AllthatGlitters

I agree and when you are already suffering on a daily basis this really is so disheartening.

I mean I totally get it in respect of the Coronavirus and supporting victims and easing the burden on the NHS but it really is a kick in the teeth for those of us waiting for operations to improve our quality of life.

Afrohair profile image

It will be classed as non emergency x

PaoPetite profile image

I believe endo should be treated as any other urgent operation, once again medicine looks at endometriosis as non live threatening illness 🤷🏻‍♀️, whilst many of us are in agony every single day of our lives!! I find it unfair.... apart from the long waiting list already in place many of you have to wait even longer.... I do of course sympathise with every person affected by the virus but nevertheless endometriosis should already be treated as an emergency case!!

Sending all women out there virtual hugs and support xxx

K-Endo profile image
K-Endo in reply to PaoPetite

Totally agree with you Hun , virtual hug sent back 💛

PaoPetite profile image

I don’t know why I think is the NHS system!! I have a hysteroscopy due tomorrow, I was so worried the hospital will cancel my op but they didn’t! I had to choose whether to go to hospital or a day clinic! In fact my gynaecologist called the nearest clinic for me to go rather than hospital, she advised it’s better because of the virus outbreak and beds will be needed in hospital .... then again I am in Germany now and not in the UK 🤷🏻‍♀️....

jasne77 profile image
jasne77 in reply to PaoPetite

Good luck to you.

I don't think it's the NHS system. As far as I know also in Germany all routine operations (like new hip joints) in hospitals are officially cancelled. The government stated it a few days ago, but it seems that some hospitals still do them, because they bring money.

PaoPetite profile image
PaoPetite in reply to jasne77

Thanks you 🤗

Woke up very positive today, I need this operation urgently for my second ivf round. I have not heard anything about them cancelling big operations at all... although I live here and my father in law is a doctor 🤷🏻‍♀️, I will ask about it again.... In regards to the NHS I do believe is the system, we are talking about women waiting ages to have an ultrasound done or to see an specialist, Endometriosis is a very serious illness and women like us are no being treated fairly because for doctors endo isn’t a life threatening illness, although already proven in many other countries how dangerous it actually is. It is very unfortunate that the situation with the virus is not under control but the minute I knew operations will be cancelled I felt so much for all the women waiting to get a laparoscopy done, I knew it was going to be cancelled... I personally have a profound disappointment with the way I was treated under the NHS, I find it extremely reckless and unprofessional that women have to wait as long as a year for an operation knowing that endo spreads rapidly, 2 months for an ultrasound and up to 8 weeks to see either a gynaecologist or specialist.... I always talk because of personal experiences.

All the best 💛

Cocoflower profile image

My appointment for Gastro and to see my gynaecologist has both been cancelled 😩 I’ve just been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis and was waiting to have my medication! Damn you coronavirus x

PaoPetite profile image
PaoPetite in reply to Cocoflower

I am so sorry to hear that! So it has been cancelled completely and no rescheduled? Yes this virus is taking over us! Let’s stay positive and support time another through this difficult time.

All the best to everyone 💛 💛 💛

Orchid_lover profile image

I also feel your pain and immense frustration K-Endo. My self pay private laparoscopy was scheduled for Saturday, but yesterday I was told my surgeon had cancelled all their surgeries and consults for the foreseeable future, for personal reasons NOT related to COVID-19!! I am in so much pain (3 years now) and was just “holding on” until Saturday. I’m now desperately trying to reschedule with another surgeon, but have no idea how long I’ll now have to wait 😥😣

Goiaba profile image

I am also due to have my lap on the 3rd. So far nobody got in touch with me so I’m living my life as if it was still going to happen. I’ve read the surgeries will be postponed from the 15th, so still hopeful mine will go ahead 🙏🏻

Mrs-F profile image

Most definitely. I was due to have surgery tomorrow and it has been cancelled. Understandable but I’m heartbroken. I know there’s others in much worse situations but I’m feeling so low now.

EndoJaz profile image

My lap is next Thursday and so far haven’t heard. I am keeping my fingers crossed as it’s taken years to get to this point again. So close, stressed right out. Also are hospitals a good place to be at the mo anyway. I could cry but I won’t ever stop if I start 😢x

Mrs-F profile image
Mrs-F in reply to EndoJaz

Fingers crossed for you. Mine has been cancelled tomorrow. Years waiting for this and all I’ve done is cry since I found out. Feel incredibly stupid and selfish but it’s just such a blow after thinking I could finally see the light. I’ll pray that you get to have yours 🤞🏻.

EndoJaz profile image
EndoJaz in reply to Mrs-F

It was cancelled thismorning. I know it can’t be helped but as you say it’s a hard thing to have to deal with after all this waiting to get anywhere 😢😭

Mrs-F profile image
Mrs-F in reply to EndoJaz

I’m so sorry 😔 💛

DigitalFootprint profile image

My laparosxopy for endo was re-scheduled for this coming Friday (20th March) after previously having it being cancelled by the surgeon on 26th Feb.

I received a call yesterday whilst at the hospital having a pre op only to tell me that it's been cancelled until at least the end of June at present.

I was so angry and still am that I'm not talking to anyone because I'll end u getting very cross!

Missy100 profile image

I've had a lap refused as non essential surgery in the past so I wouldn't be surprised if there are delays or even cancellations. I've been told that basically if it isn't life or death it is considered non essential.

K-Endo profile image

Thank you for all your responses , they are so incredibly enlightening and I feel assured that I’m not being selfish for feeling disheartened. I don’t have an answer for my situation from anyone as of yet but I pre-determine it will be a no as it wouldn’t be considered essential ... even though for me it very much is so 😔

priyainindore profile image

Can I ask what trusts.have cancelled them? Any london ones? Mine is on 31 march

Maxipreist profile image

It’s a harrowing time especially for us on waiting lists. My heart goes out to all of you who have had their ops cancelled. It’s a long long wait. I hope after the virus is over your ops will scheduled in as soon as possible. Love and hugs to all of you xxx

Milly124 profile image

I had mine today, but I think they’re cancelling all non urgent procedures from the 16th April? I may be wrong but I’m sure that’s what I was told xx

OstaraMoon profile image

Wishing you luck, my appointment is 6th April so hoping and praying I can get it done. I hope they see our cases as urgent enough to warrent the surgery now <3

JellyBellyJay profile image

My hysterectomy was scheduled for April 21st and has been cancelled. As of next Wednesday only emergency surgery will take place in my area. This is because all ventilators and beds will be needed. This will more than likely be the case for you too I’m afraid. I work at the hospital and know that it is the only option but for those of us suffering it is heartbreaking news. I cried all day yesterday after it was confirmed. The good news is that as soon as surgery is started again it will pick up where it was before. For instance, my op is 3 weeks behind the cut off date so will be performed 3 weeks after they start surgeries again. It may be a long way off but think of it as delayed and not cancelled. Best of luck x

Infullbloom profile image

Hello, I've been told that my lap won't happen and we are looking at at least 6 months delay. That's info from Royal Free London. I'm now considering private surgery and already saving money to raise 20k for when they reopen. I've been lost to follow up twice so I'm at the bottom end of the queue. My surgeon said it could be even 18 months wait! I'll lose my chance to have children by biologic clock is ticking...

Infullbloom profile image

I also wanted to add that once they start operating again the will be a backlog of 'more important' cases such as tumors, hysterectomies etc. and endo can be pushed even further down on the list. I've been thinking about it a lot and there's no otger option than to go private. I'm just praying that they will reopen the clinics in the summer.

Also I hope that the government will subsidise private surgeries to deal the backlog of the elective surgeries .

Afrohair profile image
Afrohair in reply to Infullbloom

The worse thing is we don’t have an option im only waiting on a referral and my g.p rang today saying even that’s not gone through I’ve waited 6 weeks so far just for that and a year to be taken seriously about my now worried I won’t even get on a list to be seen I can’t afford private x

Noodle31 profile image

I was already in the ward today and about an hour away from surgery to remove two (very large) bilateral chocolate cysts (one 14cm) and to officially diagnose endo, when they suddenly decided not to operate. My surgery was designated as urgent and the date has already been changed three times - I now have no idea when it will take place. I am very distressed about this - I want to have children, and am aware of the damage being done internally. So I would prepare yourself for the worst case scenario.

Frussy profile image

I had my histeroscopy on April, didn’t got nothing yet but I guess will be cancel, that is mean I am still on the list ? I am waiting since October last year for this :( ,

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