So cutting a long story incredibly short . I have previously diagnosed with Endo approx 10 years ago via a Lap which was then burnt off by a general gynae.
Fast forward to last 6 months I have been in so much pain - mainly right sided Ovarian pain . Went to GP who referred me for an ultrasound scan . The scan discovered a 2/3 cm functioning cyst on my right ovary .GP then referred me to a general NHS gynae. The pain continued , as well as Endo symptoms , bloating , IBS issues , pelvic pain etc. In fact in the last week the pelvic pain got so bad I went back to my GP surgery repeatedly resulting in them prescribing me co-codamol and told they will chase up an NHS referral and I would hear within hours .
I heard nothing for 48 hours and when contacting the GP surgery , I was simply told -“I can’t get through to them on the phone , so can’t do much more”. Upset and in pain I decided enough was enough and I made arrangements to go for a short notice private consultation with a renowned endo excision specialist the next week . I was off work and distressed with the pain and the prospect of months of waiting .
Suddenly over the weekend my pain drastically worsened . My partner dragged me to A&E as I was so poorly, where I have been admitted and transferred to a gynae ward . The pain has only just started to get under control . The gynae dr ordered another ultrasound which confirmed I have a small Endometrioma (very slightly smaller ) in the same place as detected on the previous scan .
The gynae Dr has prescribed me dihydrocodeine and has given me a print out of the latest scan results to pass to my specialist at my appointment later this week . She wants me to stay in one more night until my pain is under control . She states as it’s not acute , there’s no immediate risk to me or my ovary ,so therefore no immediate Op on the NHS (which I understand). she’s referring me for another nhs scan in a few months . She herself knows the specialist I have an appointment with personally and believes a private consultation with him is the best route .
My concerns are as the cyst appears to have got a few mm smaller will he simply prescribe hormonal treatment ?! I am desperate for a lap as I think my endo is causing bowel issues and I can’t cope with this pain . I am willing to pay /get a loan for a private lap . My question is will my consultant likely conduct a lap ? How soon do you think I’d be able to get a lap excision completed privately ? I can’t cope with it anymore !
Any advice or positivity to get me through this rubbish stage would be welcomed !