Party Girls don't get hurt... : You could... - Endometriosis UK

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Party Girls don't get hurt...

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You could often see Party Girl out... Well, pretty much any night of the week. Wednesdays were usually her favourite. Peeling away from her equally drunk friends wearing more makeup than clothes, it would be easy to look at Party Girl and think 'Ugh, what a slag'. She wasn't a slag though. Not by any stretch of the imagination. She was already 'damaged goods' then with her non-working vagina. But no one need know that. Not when she was slut dropping in the club after a few Jagerbombs.

Party Girl was happy. She had wonderful friends and an equally wonderful social life. She was so sure it would all work about for her in terms of a job prospects and a shiny new life in a few months. And Party Girls don't get hurt, right?

Oh how wrong she was.

You see, Party Girl never anticipated that she would become ill one day and never get better. Sure she'd had issues in the past, but she thought she was behind that now. However, one not-so-special day, the pain came back. 'It's a blip' Party Girl told herself, 'I always have painful periods, it will go in a few days'. The days came and went and the pain was still there. Party Girl was baffled. She'd had treatment, hadn't she? So why was the pain back worse than ever?

Party Girl booked an appointment with her gynaecologist, the one who'd helped her in the first place, and took her mum with her for good measure.

'I believe you might have endometriosis' said Party Girl's gynaecologist.

And just like that, Party Girl died.

Some people might say Party Girl deserved it. 'Well, she was a bitch in school, so I'm happy she's got it'. Maybe she did. Party Girl may not have always been the nicest person in the room but Party Girl could think of people who had done far worse and yet nothing happened to them. Did Party Girl do something wrong in a past life? Was she some horrible torturer and this was her comeuppance? Party Girl would often look at pictures of the Kardashians and Beyonce and wonder 'Do any of them have problems like me? Do all of them and we just don't hear about it? How do they get by with such pain?'. Party Girl simply sat and thought 'Why me?'. She never got an answer to that.

Party Girl was unceremoniously replaced by Chronically Ill Girl. Her dresses and short skirts gathered dust in a corner of her wardrobe, her phone became evermore silent, The £9 she would have spent on club entry became her money for buying codeine. She sometimes didn't recognise herself when she looked in the mirror. She missed her old life.

Chronically Ill Girl as she was now known went to a specialist, one that was meant to be the best, apparently.

'We can give you a laparoscopy' he said.

Before, Chronically Ill Girl had always thought that her first surgery would have been breast augmentation. Back when she was Party Girl, that had always been a pipe dream. Not to mention, Party Girl had always been a bit blasé about things like that. 'Take the easy route!' was Party Girl's mantra (see how it was easy not to like her?) but now someone was offering Chronically Ill Girl a lifeline. And she took it.

Chronically Ill Girl hoped that this would work. That it would finally give her the answers she'd been looking for and that she'd be able to stop taking damn pills all the time. Chronically Ill Girl was becoming very tired as was everyone around her. They all hoped it would work.

Chronically Ill Girl spent the week from hell (which included her birthday, none of which she remembers) in and out of hospitals and hotels drugged to the nines. Chronically Ill Girl just wanted to go home and sleep in her own bed. She finally got on the train one Saturday morning and after scrubbing herself vigorously with antibacterial soap, she was able to get a proper sleep.

It is so damn easy to take things for granted, particularly when you are well and healthy. Having any chronic illness can make shells of people they once were. Sadly, it is often met by skeptical attitudes from other people and even those closest to us and it is often a very lonely place to be. Hence why wonderful support networks and forums like this are an absolute godsend to so many of us who are currently suffering.

And what happened to Chronically Ill Girl you ask? Well, not much time has passed since Chronically Ill Girls laparoscopy, so she still had pain. She hoped it would go away soon and that she would not be Chronically Ill Girl anymore, but she would instead be Pain Free Woman.

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