Vent about the doctors...: Anyone who would... - Endometriosis UK

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Vent about the doctors...

emmary profile image
8 Replies

Anyone who would like to vent out their feelings about Doctors, you can do it here!

I've had my own personal experience with doctors to know and feel like they really don't seem to understand. With an exception of one that I know who has been very helpful. He's a male, and I wanted to see a female doctor as you can probably understand ;-)

Doctors just don't take things seriously! They treat you like your stressed, depressed and a general typical case!

I for one, have reason to be so critical, because it cost my dear Nana her life! They always kept me in the dark about such things, but she was tired, bloated and her tummy was getting bigger and bigger. She went to the hospital a few times and I can remember her complaining about how she was being treated with stupidity. They even offered her a huge meat sandwich when she couldn't eat, food just passed right through her. They didn't take her seriously! AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT! She had cancer! Ovarian cancer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If they'd taken her seriously they would've found it in time. It was horrible.

To make things worse, my friend had the exact same thing, her Nana passed because the doctors didn't take them seriously!!! And now I am dealing with the exact same thing myself. Why?

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emmary profile image
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8 Replies
dollypop1994 profile image

That sounds bloody awful hun :( just seems nowadays that all alot of doctors want to do is get you out of the office as quickly as possible with absolutely no care or thought on how you are suffering for it! They will quite happily fob you off then just hand you over to someone else when things become serious. I did a blog post on one such experience I had with a supposed "top bowel specialist":

the way I was treated by this man was absolutely appalling! What's worse is I am now in a much worse state than when I went to see him almost a year ago, & I'm having to have loads more tests & investigations to see what can be done for me xx

emmary profile image
emmary in reply to dollypop1994

Gosh I just read your post on your blog. That is the strangest way for a gynecologist to act when they are supposed to be helping people, not making things worse! Thats horrible.

I am so, so, so sorry for you. I certainly hope that my gynecologist is not like that.

dollypop1994 profile image
dollypop1994 in reply to emmary

Thankyou hun!

It is bloody appaling- really was made to feel like I was being fobbed off :( but my new GP is making sure I am being seen by the bowel team & urology for more investigations, & I'm going to discuss a referral to a specialist endo centre with him this week, so fingers crossed! I really hope you don't go through the same things that I have hun, it's a disgrace that women like us are treated like this, & I wish you all the best :) xx

PainfulMe profile image

A couple of weeks ago, I met with the specialist who performed my laproscopic surgery. She told me that she didn't find anything and accused me of being a drug addict.

2 weeks later I met with my family doctor - he provided me with a copy of the surgery report... Which showed that they found, removed and cauterized endometreosis growths.

I can't even begin to fathom why a medical professional would lie like that!

emmary profile image
emmary in reply to PainfulMe

That sounds awful! I can't believe our medical system nowadays!

I tried to contact the doctor to get a new prescription for the contraception pill, a new one because I have been bleeding on and off for the last two weeks! She didn't phone back and my medication ran out. Two days later (with no call from the doctor) I have just had the worst period in the history of my periods!

They are just getting worse! This morning I've had horrible chest pain. The bouts of pain, which were tolerable are now unbearable, if it gets any worse I'll be at screaming point! And now I'm really scared for the next one.

I phoned a different doctor this morning, he said that he would prescribe me a stronger pill. I tried to get him to phone the gynecology department at the hospital to get me that urgent appointment slot. But he said that I was keeping people waiting and to make an appointment to discuss it further.


I thought that this was the nice, understanding doctor of all!

jvg69 profile image

I turned around after a check up to catch the consultant pulling faces at me! The consultant is a woman mid 50's & told me I had to 'put up'. I should have reported the silly cow but just wanted to get out and I will never go back to that hospital. I have heard a lot of stories about what a nasty woman she is. We all think a woman would understand and be more understanding ...... well not that one!!

dollypop1994 profile image
dollypop1994 in reply to jvg69

Surprised you didn't report it hun! That's just vile behaviour & something you would expect from a 3 year old, not a professional! Xx

jvg69 profile image

I know! Its not like me to let something like that go, I think its just the same old thing thinking she would deny it and the nurses that were there wouldn't back me up, maybe they would in hindsight after what I have since heard. I just make sure everyone knows what kind of person she is!

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