Hi ladies be scare today I've just started bleeding very heavy and passed uterine lining I'm taking norethisterone also and haven't come off it neither yet and all this started last thursday with spotting for 5 days then this morning it got worse!!! I'm going docs again today to see what they can assist on doing for me as I've never ever encountered this whiles taking norethisterone I've been on it for 3.6 months now also and in that time ive not had any issues till now its scared me so much as idk what this could be
Heavy bleeding and passing uterine lining - Endometriosis UK
Heavy bleeding and passing uterine lining

They look like decidual casts to me. I had these a few months ago when I started the depo provera injection, it can sometimes be the bodies response to a certain level of progesterone in the body. They're terrifying when you get them, I know but pretty harmless.
What's a decidual cast? And do they cause the bleeding to last long ? As I'm on norethisterone 3.6 months now back to back I've never encountered this before whilst on norethisterone also I'm still taking the norethisterone so it cant be a withdrawal bleed can it :/
It's when your uterus sheds it's lining in one go rather than breaking it up. I don't think they prolong any bleeding you have, but it's more your body getting used to certain types of hormones. When I had them they lasted for about 2-3 days and then stopped completely.
Okay well it all started last thursday with spotting till monday then today it just got heavier with this lining coming out of me then orange type bloody discharge , I'm still taking the norethisterone which is a proestrogen hormone pill
Should I stay on the meds and see what happens? Or should i come of them as I dont know what to do as me doctor said I can choice to stay on or come off and have a break for abit but tbh I'm not prepared
I guess if you are not prepared for a break then keep taking them for a bit and go back and see your doctor if you are still concerned. Listen to your body and you will feel what is right/wrong to do.
I will I just hope this goes away in next day or so cause I dont think it's a withdrawal bleed or period as I'm still on the meds so it's really hard to understand but if all doesnt let up I'll definitely come off the norethisterone and let my body do its thing
Have you been on norethisterone before and had this issue?
Not norethisterone but I was taking the depo provera injection last year (which has horribly high levels of progesterone) and i got decidual casts then. I don't take it anymore as it was making my pain worse. I'm on the combined pill now instead and it works better for me.
Ah right I've noticed that no more as of yet uterus lining has happened and the blood has gone from heavier red to an orange blood colour discharge :/ this is weird and hardly much blood has come out on my pad all day