I’m convinced they’ve stitched my belly button up tighter than it was before 😭 I don’t know if this pain is from a possible infection or if it’s stitched wrong. Every time I move it feels like my belly button is being pulled by the stitches it’s such an odd feeling. I feel silly booking doctors appointment Incase there’s nothing wrong with it x
Incision: I’m convinced they’ve stitched my... - Endometriosis UK

How long have your stitches been in? Have you got them wet yet? X
2 weeks, they’ve been wet a few times in the shower but not soaked x
Hmm I remember trying to keep mine dry as possible thinking that was best... once I started to let them get wet they came out and felt much better maybe it’s healed enough for them to come out not? But I don’t think it would be silly to see dr if it doesn’t feel right. Maybe even ring up and see if there’s a nurse at your practice you can see? They might remove them for you if they’re ready to come out. Xx
I would get it checked. My belly button felt weird and mine are currently infected x
I had a lap in December it's just the stitches knitting together I had the same feeling, like a sharp pulling, unless it's red then see GP xx
I had the same thought about my belly button stitch, I had an infection in that stitch and it was cutting into the surrounding skin (not stitched)
I had the same and it disappeared as soon at the last stich fell out. I ended up going to my GP as it was oozing and painful, he suggested rubbing over the stitch with a towel after a shower to help it out- I was reluctant in case it hurt (I'm a wimp), but I did it, felt a tiny pinch and it was out- the pain disappeared with it. When I went in for my next pre-op the nurse said as soon as you are allowed to get it wet, get it wet it will help the stitches dissolve, and go to the practice nurse at the GP if they haven't come out in a couple of weeks- I will definitely be doing that next time.