No obvious endo on ultra sound: I had a... - Endometriosis UK

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No obvious endo on ultra sound

Bells1989 profile image
5 Replies

I had a internal ultra sound yesterday and was told that there wasn’t anything obvious but I have all the symptoms and it runs in generations of my family (Nan, Aunties, mum. All had early hysterectomies and one sadly passed with ovarian cancer). Have any of you had nothing show on the ultra sound but then it’s been found during the laparoscopy? I’m finding I’m getting more and more bladder pressure which turns to pain if I don’t go ASAP, I also suffer with anal fissures which I didn’t realise could also be a symptom of endo.

Also is it normal for one ovary to be double the size of the other? One is 6 and the other is 12,

Sorry for so many questions


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5 Replies
Lindle profile image

Transvaginal ultrasound is very good at detecting endometriomas (ovarian endo cysts) and deep infiltrating endo BUT only if done by an expert gynaecological sonographer who is looking for complex endo regularly. Most usually initial scans will be done by more general sonographers who regularly miss endo. For this reason it must only be used to help diagnose endo and not rule it out.

NICE 1.5.1 'Do not exclude the possibility of endometriosis if the abdominal or pelvic examination, ultrasound or MRI are normal. If clinical suspicion remains or symptoms persist, consider referral for further assessment and investigation.

Anal fissures aren't a symptom of endo as such but are a symptom of constipation which in turn is often a symptom of endo.

Since ovarian cysts seem to have been ruled out, whether related to endo or just normal cysts, there can be normal enlargement of an ovary around ovulation as the follicle releasing an egg swells.

Alicejrh profile image

I had a clear ultra sound but they found endometriosis on my pelvis during surgery. The ultra sound cant often show it.

Love_Yellow profile image

I have a ultra sound and it came back normal. I then went on with getting chronic pains, heavy bleeding and painful intercourse.

After been referred to a gynaecologist, I went for surgery and they found stage 2 endometriosis.

As I tell anyone that are having all the symptoms and know that something is not write. Keep fighting for a diagnosis, oust to be referred to a gynaecologist. Log everything down, your symptoms/dates take it with you to see your GP and someone else to back you up, we know our own bodies and we know when something is not wright.

I cried when I was told that something came back from my MRI and I needed surgery to see if it was endometriosis because I was starting to believe it was all in my head but it really wasn’t.

So please keep fighting. Xxx

Bells1989 profile image
Bells1989 in reply to Love_Yellow

Thank you so much x

Have y found anything that helps you? X

Love_Yellow profile image
Love_Yellow in reply to Bells1989

Your more than welcome.

I’ve had surgery and they have removed what they needed but the pain is still there, I have been told about going on the depo injection and that should stop my bleeding and pain. Xxx

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