Pain relief: Hi all I've posted a few times... - Endometriosis UK

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Pain relief

Pondering123 profile image
5 Replies

Hi all

I've posted a few times in the last few weeks. Sorry to bombard. Was diagnosed with endo Monday after 15 years of horrific period pain. Period arrived this morning, an hour later was being driven home from work by a colleague as I couldn't drive with pain. I've been sick 3 x in the last 3 hours, upset stomach, and now have been laying here for about an hour and a half, shaking.

I need some advice if anyone knows of anything at all I can do for this pain right now. I'll try anything. Today I've had paracetamol & codeine (it never works). No pain relief plan yet. Please help. Feeling desperate x

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Pondering123 profile image
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5 Replies
Cupcake1617 profile image

Sorry to hear you’re struggling. Could you call your GP for a phone appointment or 111? X

luthien profile image

Ah no, poor you :(

Did you have you diagnostic laparoscopy on Monday? If so you should be signed off for at least two weeks so no work, they often say that the first few periods after a lap can be horrible as all the insides have been moved around and the uterus doesn't like that. If you just had "investigatory" examinations which may have included internal manipulation and feeling of the uterus from the vagina this can also upset the uterus; so causing heavy / painful periods.

If you're on any hormones / started any then the side effects / getting used to it being in your system can make things feel worse, some people have reactions to them when starting, which either go away after a few months, yours if that sounds more severe though.

That aside, most painkillers wont work well on an empty stomach as they often make the nausea and sickness worse by irritating the stomach. The best thing you could probably do is call NHS 111, they can fast track your appointment at your local walk in center, if they feel it's urgent they send an ambulance. If you can keep water down they'll often say to sip that and wait 12 hours and then contact your GP but because it's now the evening you probably want to be in a hospital and monitored.


Thecraftyadder profile image

So sorry to read this. I get episodes like that and they are just the worst. My last one was two weeks ago and like you I was down on my bathroom floor. When you are unable to control the pain your best bet is show up in a+e to ask for better pain relief. The intense pain is what causes the sickness and diarrhea. For future episodes try the following: don't swallow any pain killers, they give your stomach more to throw up. Put a damp flannel on your forehead as if you are like me you can almost feel feverish with the shaking. Once your bowels have stopped going then use a volterol (dicolfenic) suppository. That's what they give you in a+e. My GP lets me keep some at home for these attacks. They are the only things that can get the pain under control for me and they knock out the horrible lower back pain I get to. You mustn't take any other anti inflammatory drugs with them though. Since they go up your rectum you don't have to worry about throwing them up and they work quicker. When the peak of the vomitting and pain has passed get your hot water bottle or heat pad and go to bed and try to sleep. These attacks are exhausting.

I realize this doesn't help you for today but might help for next time. I find myself repeating 'this to shall pass' to try and stay calm. I'm almost grateful when the vomitting starts as it often marks the worst 'peak' so I know it will calm a little soon. My most prolonged episode was when I tried to take tablets and they just irritated my stomach and made it worse.

You need to rest for a few days afterwards. I hope your pain is under control now and you can get some rest tonight. Sending hugs x

HannahElsie profile image

I’m so sorry you’re in this pain. I’ve had similar experiences to what you’re describing. When it reaches this point cocodamol doesn’t work for me either. But keep taking it every 4 hours. Try taking ibuprofen every 4 hours as well but stagger it so you’re taking something every 2 hours. Run a bath with hot water, and alternate between the bath and bed for a few hours if you can. Then hopefully you’ll be able to fall asleep with the muscle relaxing effects of the bath and the codeine. That’s what I try but granted it doesn’t always work and sometimes you’re in too much pain to even try. Sending lots of love your way

Flicque profile image

Hey! so sorry that you’re experiencing this pain :(

What dosage is your Codeine? If it’s over the counter it’s only 8mg and I need 50mg on a bad day to manage mine, so ask your doctor for an increase although they are usually reluctant to do this so you have to keep going back and pushing.

Secondly, paracetamol never works for me but ibuprofen does. I need it always alongside the Codeine or I’m fucked and it won’t work. Make sure you take two and you can take them alongside paracetamol and codeine just make sure you read the back of the pack and leave 4 hours between dosages.

Third - heat compression is the only other thing that works. Use a hot water bottle but don’t get in a bath, that makes me more sick from the heat.

Try and push your doctor for higher dosage if you don’t already. Calling 111 is shit and they never get it and they’ll tell you to go a&e. I have never admitted myself to a&e so can’t speak about this but the women above seem to have good experiences!

I hope this helps even a little

It’s good to have someone with you when this happens like a friend or a partner who can check on you and help you through it. One thing that happened to me was I’d have panic attacks alongside the episodes because I was freaking out about the pain so couldn’t breathe alongside it. Having support helps a lot.

Hope this helps you xxxx

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