I have been told I have very mild endo but pain from end and pcos is horrendous! Just wondering how you are able to tell when it is getting worse? The gyno that did my op said I don't need to have a consultant for this. So very confused about what I should be looking for and where to go If it does get more painful. Thanks
How do you know when endo is getting worse? - Endometriosis UK
How do you know when endo is getting worse?

Does your surgeon have a special interest in diagnosing and treating endo as it can very easily be missed by a general gynaecologist? There are guidelines that require this.
Yes he does. But he's not told me much at all and now I'm not even being seen by him. Should I be asking a doc to go see someone again X
Yes! Ask to see another consultant. There is no correlation between the extent of endo and pain - aka you can have mild endo but extreme pain and need to have treatment xxx
So I'm never going to be able to tell when my endo has grown/if it has grown? X
Not that I know of... but I'm not a doctor... In my own case, the number symptoms and their intensity increased when the Endo spread to different areas (in my case it had spread to my POD and bladder, making me need to pee like all the time/ pain when urinating).
I believe the only way to tell is to have a laparoscopy (for example, even though I've just had one with all the Endo excised in August and am now on hormone-blocking medication, my consultant still wants to do another lap in March to double check for any new spread since then)
Hi, I've gone through three "top" gynaecology specialist. And going to be on my third operation in a month, I kept on pushing for a new gynae and for answers, write a pain diary and what medication you've taken. I know it is pain staking but definitely worth a try to get them to listen. Keep going and pushing!! Xx