After having a ultrasound when on my holiday that showed up cysts on my ovaries and the gynecologist saying she was 90% they were chocolate cysts also my CA125 blood test was elevated. I went back to my doctors in the UK and they referred me to have a hysteroscopy and a ultrasound , the ultrasound was refused for some reason so I had the hysteroscopy and they said everything looks fine so now I'm confused I have to wait to get my results back before I can contact my gp again. Has anyone one else had a hysteroscopy and it's come back normal but still had chocolate cysts I'm so confused and this waiting is doing my head in. TIA
Feeling confused after hysteroscopy? - Endometriosis UK
Feeling confused after hysteroscopy?
Might be you need a laparoscopy. And further evaluation of your cysts.what does your doc say?
Hysterscopy only looks on the inside you need s ultra sound and I bet you were not told about the option of having it under GA thank fully it sounds like you were ok I know it's easy said but you need to complain the ultra sound is essential and reafusing you is gross misconduct
Sounds like you have endometriosis to me. Your GP should be referring you to an Endo specialist xx
Thanks I have managed to have an urgent ultrasound yesterday and the cysts were still there they said that they will pass the results back to my gp and then I have to get back in touch with them, hopefully I will get to see a gynecologist or even a specialist soon.
Why did they originally refuse you? that's so bad xxxx
I hope this message finds you well.
Checking in to see what the outcome was for the ultrasound with your GP.
What was the size and type of your cysts? Were they endometriomas, complex cysts with septations, simple cysts?
Also, what was your CA-125 test number?
Hi carolinagull I'm well thanks hope you are well. the results of my ultra sound came back and the cysts was still there my gp managed to get me a urgent appointment with a endometriosis specialist and after seeing him he said that they look like endometriomas cysts. I have 3 of them all around 4cm..I was ment to go back next month for a follow up appointment but due to Corona I have had to wait for another appointment.
Not sure on my CA level as I haven't had a test in the uk yet but when I was on holiday the gynecologist just told me it was higher than normal.