Hui have hospital appointment Thursday and I’m going 2 ask for as hysterectomy . I was wondering how menu off you did it halp?
Hysterectomy : Hui have hospital... - Endometriosis UK

HI, if you research into endometriosis treatment you will find out hysterectomy is not a treatment for endo.
A hysterectomy won't help with endometriosis, but if you have andomyosis as well it will help with that. The reason a hysterectomy isn't a cure is because by definition endometriosis are cells outside of the womb so removing the womb doesn't remove the endometriosis. And doesn't mean endometriosis will stop growing.
Have you had excision surgery with a specialist?
No I’ve just had 2 laps
In the laps do you know how/if the removed any of the endo?
Hi in the last lap thay said thay removed all the endometriosis is was bk in 2015. And I think thay said thay burned it. But I’m so sick. With being in pain and sick all the time. And having no energy
If they burned its likely the used ablation not excision to remove it. So it might be worth looking into an endometriosis specialist who can use excision to remove any endo. Think of the diffence between the two as excision digs out the roots. But ablation just burns what's visable on top.
Even if you still want a hysterectomy if it's endo causing pain then you need to get this removed at the same time.
Good morning
Although I do agree with BrightLights88 that having a hysterectomy is not a treatment.
It can end up being a solution in some circumstances. But that is due to individual situations and medical history.
In my case I went privateto see a specialist and due to family history aswell and my medical history it was a solution.
hi, I had a hysterectomy two weeks ago - laparoscopic . To treat adenomyosis, fibroids and six months of non stop bleeding . I feel great, no bleeding, adenomyosis pain has gone and I’m looking forward to having my future back x good luck and go armed and determined as if your nhs they have may try and perused you down the ablation route .x
I had to have a hysterectomy at: 28. They would not remove my ovaries because of my age. I do think it is better to have your ovaries removed, but it depends on your Consultant. Even though a hysterectomy does not solve your issue 100%, it does stop the periods. Plus if they remove your ovaries it is even better.