Hi I had a hysterectomy with ovary removal in March. Was wondering if anybody else who has had this still felt like they were having cycles . The last couple of months for a few days around the same time of month I feel like I'm getting a period, down to the diarrhoea and horrible feeling in abdomen. Obviously I don't actually get a period, but just wondered if anyone else gets this and if so do you know why?
Hysterectomy : Hi I had a hysterectomy with... - Endometriosis UK

Hi Jean i had total hysterectomy same month as you. I have not experienced that symptom. Have you spoken to your doctor or the nurse specialist and see if they have come across it with other patients? I hope apart from this you have recovered well x
Have follow up with consultant on 4th August so will ask him then. Unfortunately I suspect some endo has been missed. I was doing really well until I changed my hrt from tibalone to Elleste solo.
I've had lower back ache for a year now which isn't getting better (despite Mir showing no problems) , pains in buttocks and lower abdomen. Hoping consultant can help next month.
How are you feeling now?
Oh I hope not! I thought they won't start HRT until at least 6months post hysterectomy? Let's hope your consultant can shed light. My consultant said he might start me on HRT perhaps by October.
I still have my ileostomy which I hope can be reversed in September. I had urether stents during my surgery and removed 6 weeks post op but I recently had to be readmitted and found my urether is blocked againn so I have new stent which will now have to stay for at least 3 months. Otherwise I thought I was doing fine.
Omg I thought I'd been through a lot. I don't know how stay so strong. Hope everything improves for you.
Morning I'm exactly the same😒It sucks, aldi thought my life would be better n pain free the only difference is I don't bleed? I saw my consultant and he said I need hrt patches, and I'm scared don't know what to do???? I also had severe endometriosis which he said scar tissue can still cause pain
great!! Be good to know if u are on any form of hrt! Andrea 🙂
Hi Andrea, I'm on Elleste solo. I'm going back to see consultant beginning of next month so I will see what he suggests.
Hi Lindle, thank you so much for your reply. I was actually wondering about ovarian remnant, as a lot of the pain is where left ovary was. I'm due to see consultant on 4th August so will discuss all this with him then . Will also give GP a ring to organise a blood test to check oestradiol levels. Been on Elleste solo for two and a half months now and everything seems to tie in with starting this.
I really appreciate your help and advice.
Hope you're ok.
Hi Lindle, GP did say he wanted to review at 3 months . Will definitely get levels checked. Thank you
Will do thanks again.
No it's patches
Hi Jean. I had my hysterectomy and ovaries out in February. No I don't get cycles as such however I do occasionally get pelvic pain low down. Did you have adhesions in your abdomen? I had loads and do wonder if they are reforming sometimes. Best wishes Julie x

Hi Julie, it rather looks as though some endo has been missed and has become severe enough again to create its own cycle, or I have an ovarian remnant causing it. Will talk to consultant next month.
Hi Jean
Yes - I saw that Linda had been in touch with you. I'm glad about that as she really knows all about this stuff doesn't she? Wishing you luck with your ongoing treatment. Julie x

Thank you Julie.
Hi Lindle, sorry it's taken so long to get back to you but GP was on holiday and I don't trust any of the others at the surgery.
Level was 129?
Don't know whether that's good or bad but GP said it was normal.
Hi I'm not sure he did say but can't remember.
I had a bilateral oopherectomy with hysterectomy and removal of cervix 4 1/2 years ago. I'm 37 years old now. My Dr. first put me on a crazy amount of hormones (bioidentical hormones) After being on these hormones a year and acting crazy as shit I stopped taking all of them because I did not have insurance to help me. So I kept taking into my estrogen once a day. I continued to go downhill physically as every year passed. In about January 2016 I started becoming so exhausted and in so much pain in my entire body that I could no longer even clean my house. I did so much research online because I didn't have insurance that I figured out my body had zero testosterone in it. I have osteoporosis, shrunk 1 in height, shrunk one shoe size, arthritis in pretty much every joint, my teeth started breaking my bones were so weak. I was so ill it was scary. I weighed 93lbs. I started seeing a different Dr. And he has given me 3 testosterone shots, one every two weeks, and I am already feeling the life coming back to me. My bones pretty much stopped hurting,and im getting my energy back. I just wanted to share my story in case anyone else was having same issues. I also had Endometriosis and cysts on ovaries and cervical cancer with Horrible pain and sickness before surgery but im not getting much better now either. Anyone have any suggestions?? I am tired!!!