I have been in hugge amounts of pain and been in and out of a&e and fortunately got lucky and my OP was brought forward...I prepared everything in advance then 2 days before the big day I received a call..I excitedly picked up thinking they were getting back to me regarding my bowel prep issue... only to be told the op had to he rescheduled because the team that I need for my OP is not available until October...I was heart broken...I was annoyed that I was booked for everything without even checking the required teams I need...today would have been my surgery and I know I just have to accept it and get over it..however I still haven't gotten over it and have been spending the last few nights crying... I feel like no one understands the sadness I'm feeling...I've had enough of this ongoing pain and having to soldier on like everything is okay when inside I'm broken... I'd planned everything around the surgery and now everything is a shambles... am I overreacting or is it ok to feel so let down.
Cancelled op! Devastated: I have been in... - Endometriosis UK
Cancelled op! Devastated

Your so allowed to feel the way you are feeling. I’m sure your like me and see this as a new beginning. We all know it’s not curative but if your like me you’ve tried everything and this is the last resort.
I did it in December - I had Christmas planned, presents bought and wrapped and food in the freezer. My mum & brother had changed their plans to come to mine and give my 7 year old an Xmas. I phoned and phoned to find out they’d moved it to March, then it moved to June and now September!! I’ve been waiting a year now 🙁
I had given up my job as the pain was too much and we had booked a holiday to Australia to celebrate my surgery and being pain free! We go on that holiday Monday and I’m going to have to take my drugs and pads with me 😤
Give you self time to “get your head around it” but please don’t give up. We can all do this!
Thankyou for replying..yh this is my final resort.... omg a whole year!
Bless you sure are strong to have gone through it being moved thrice...praying your September date stays..hope you have a nice pain free holiday...I'm booked for a holiday in December..I really do hope it's done in time for then.... was wondering with the drugs etc do you need some sort of pass or letter from dr?
God I hadn’t thought of a drs note. I’ve started cbd oil as well! I know you need a medical note for that but thought I’d take off the label or put in a different bottle!
I must admit it’s been a bloody long year! I’ve been very depressed and found life tough. I’m very lucky I have a daughter who makes me smile everyday and gives me a reason to get out of bed.
Best wishes xx
Hey, I’m so sorry your surgery was cancelled. Last year mine was cancelled once but they rescheduled it for a couple weeks after as I complained to PALS and told them how it was affecting my mental health, daily life etc and they got me in a different hospital a couple weeks later.
Sometimes these things happen and I know it can feel awful as we just want answers and help. The day of my surgery, there wasn’t enough beds at first so it was nearly cancelled a second time. I’d definitely get in touch with PALS though and see if they can help xxx
Sorry to hear about your operation. It’s the worst thing ever when it is cancelled. I know the feeling of despair. I will have been waiting nearly 9 months by the time mine comes around. I hope they have a cancellation and contact you. Do you only need the bowel prep if the endo is affecting your bowel, or do the give it in general? Mine is in pouch of Douglas so wondering whether I’ll have to have one. Hopefully the weeks will fly by and it will October soon. X
Hi. Don't despair! There's help out there for you. Contact/email The Chief of Staff (can also be called Chief People Officer or a slightly different name), they are very fast to reply. As other ladies suggested, you can also contact/email PALS, they are also very good, although a bit slower. You can get these info by browsing the hospital's website. Use the weekend to prepare your emails and send them early Monday morning so your email will be one of the first ones they see. It's worth fighting and they will listen to you as a person. Take care and keep us informed how you get on.
It is awful being treated like this again and again. My hysterectomy was cancelled at 4pm after I had been in the hosp all day in my gown ready to go to theatre! I was so angry and upset as everything was prepared in my life for recovery time. I had to wait a month for the next one worrying that the same was going to happen. They don’t realise the mental effect it has on people. I am now on list for next op hoping it will be soon. Apart from complaining there is nothing that can be done so make sure u complain to the hosp and tell them u will not go thru that again and then they will at least put that on your notes for next time. Good luck. I know your frustration 😬x
Hi lovely,
I had exactly the same problem, I just got in my car to drive to the hospital when I got a phone call on the day cancelling it, 3 hours before!! I was devastated, the nhs have a policy when it comes to cancelled surgery’s where they have to do your surgery within a certain time period after they cancel it, you should look into it! Hope it works out for you
Thankyou for all your replies..yes I will be contacting PALs..I called my GP and told him about it and he too was very understanding..he is also going to give them a call...Bring On Monday😉🤣