I had my lap 3 weeks ago along with removal of cysts on my ovaries and the last few days I've had pains in my upper tummy area, bad bloating and nausea. Could this still be linked to my lap? Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.
Bloating and nausea 3 weeks after lap - Endometriosis UK
Bloating and nausea 3 weeks after lap

Has the pain/bloating/nausea been there the whole time or have they just started?
After my lap I was nauseous on and off for about 4 weeks and bloated so much that for around 8 weeks that all I could wear was leggings or tracksuit bottoms! I had pains more to the side of my stomach than the top but I realised I was overdoing it and when I stopped pushing myself so much that went away, not sure if it would be the same for you or something different though, only other thing I could think of is are you due on? As my first period was horrific (even worse than before the lap which I didn’t think was possible)
If you are worried/think something might be wrong theres no harm in getting checked over by your gp
I hope it gets better soon x
Who performed the laparoscopy? Was it an endo excision surgeon?