So sick of people commenting and asking that I should be better and pain free by now because I had my lap to diagnosis and remove endo 9 weeks ago. I need a generic response that is polite but firm and direct that will make people realise how ridiculous their questions and comments are and will make them drop the subject. Haha...But seriously, it's getting exhausting.
What's a polite but direct and conversati... - Endometriosis UK
What's a polite but direct and conversation topic ending response to "Aren't you supposed to better by now?"
I find saying "no it's a chronic lifelong condition" usually does the trick. Some will ask for more information which is up to you if you go into. I personally do as I want to share how common this is as it might not help them but they might think of it when someone in their life has some issues as suggest it etc.
That's a good response and that's very true.
Although I am newly diagnosed, so I am still struggling to come to terms with the fact that it's a lifelong thing. I think 'well it was removed now so I should be fine for hopefully a couple of years at least' but then the fact that I'm still struggling with recovery and nerve pain post surgery brings me back down to earth. Shame I can't make other people understand.
“I haven’t completely recovered from the surgery yet. It’s too soon to say how much of a difference it will make but I’m trying to be positive and to take things one day at a time, thanks.”
This is such a stupid response, it just shows the level of ignorance that surrounds this illness.
I am 10 month post lap and I still have pain, but much less. Its very tough to start with, not just physically, but also emotionally. Anxiety is associated with this illness as I have found out myself with no medical support over the past 10 months.
It is a chronic illness but, even so, like you and all of us, I still intend to enjoy life !
Take it easy, adapt to each as it comes.
Good luck.
I’ll be more blunt for those who question your healing process.
It begins with F and ends with F.....😉