so I know that some exercise can be good when you have endo but also that people find too much can cause pain. My question is...can exercise actually make it worse? I know it can make the pain worse but I can handle that to a certain extent. What I don't want to do is actually make the Endo scarring worse. I don't do anything crazy, just the or gym session and I steady but I'm worried I'm causing longer term damage. I haven't been able to get an appointment with my consultant for a few weeks (its my post op after they removed scarring and Endo quite a few months ago). I'm holding off doing too much until then but I'd be interested to find out what other people might have found out because.exercise is one of the few.things I really enjoy at the moment xx
Endo and exercise...: so I know that some... - Endometriosis UK
Endo and exercise...

Hello, I am a women's health physiotherapist with endo. I can reassure you that yes some exercise may make your pain worse if it is too vigorous or at certain times of the month, but exercise will not make the endo scarring worse. If you enjoy your exercise, carry on doing it as it will release lots of endorphins to make you feel better as well as helping your mental health. xx
that's fantastic news, thanks so much for replying. I know the pain itself might limit my exercise at some times of the month because just increasing the pain might make it too much for me but mood wise it definitely helps me. I've also found a really good group of people I've been exercising with so just having the nice social aspect is making life more positive which in turn makes the pain easier to handle. I'll still take it steady but keep going and see how I go xx
I think gentle exercise is good, I like to go speed walking (can't call it a run because I get out of breath very quickly lol) or taking my dog for a long walk - I enjoy it and I found that I don't concentrate on the pain as I'm distracted + it makes me feel good. I don't want endometriosis to rule my life!
I had my lap in November and had quite alot removed, I was told to stay away from the gym for 8 weeks and no abdominal work for 12 weeks. I am back doing Cardio and weights but still unable to do abdominal work, the pain is still too much. My scars are still sore and when I work out they throb and go purple, but like many others I am determined not to let this beat me. Before my lap exercise could be extremely painful with pulling pains, but now my Ovary has been freed it's no where near as painful. I find exercise good for my overall wellbeing so I carry on pushing through x
hmmmmm, I only had my lap in Jan Adele and wasn't told any of that. I'm really worried I've started exercise too soon and this is why its started to hurt again. I was just told to do what I felt ok with which I did and I didn't do more than I felt comfortable with at the time but all of a sudden really bad pain has come back xx