Laparoscopy tomorrow!: Hi everyone! I'm so... - Endometriosis UK

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Laparoscopy tomorrow!

gkbear profile image
10 Replies

Hi everyone!

I'm so nervous and excited to finally have my laparoscopy tomorrow to diagnose and/or treat endometriosis, after 2 years of uncertainty I'm really hoping this will give me an answer about my symptoms! Things seem to have become so much worse in the last few months, I'm in almost constant pain and nothing seems to help.

I was just hoping to ask for some advice about preparing for tomorrow, and for my recovery - does anyone have any tips? :-)

Georgia x

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Chrysta123 profile image


I hope it all goes well and you get some answers! I woukd say if you are really nervous tell the nurse - I actually cried when I was down waiting to go into the OR but I had warned them how nervous I was so they were great with me and calmed me right down, they even let my bf come down to the doors with me which helped so maybe see if whoever is with you can go down?

Make sure you have comfy baggy clothes for afterwards! Tracksuit bottoms or loose leggings and a baggy/loose top as you will probably be pretty swollen around your stomach. Also would advise a pillow to put under your seatbelt for the journey home - I forgot this and was so uncomfortable I soent the whole journey home holding the seatbelt away from my stomach! Pads are the other thing you will need as you may bleed (I didn’t get warned about this but luckily had pads with me as I bled a lot)

Recovery just make sure you take the time you need and don’t push yourself too much at first - I went back to work too early and really struggled. Also be aware of the shoulder pain from the gas, I literally felt like I was getting stabbed! Shoulder rubs really helped with that, and peppermint tea is good for the pain and bloating from the gas

I hope this helps a bit and good luck!x

gkbear profile image
gkbear in reply to Chrysta123

Thank you for your kind message and really helpful tips! Especially the pillow and baggy clothes for the drive home, it made it so much more comfy. Really glad to hear that everyone was super great with you when you had your procedure- I had a similar experience, it was so nice to have friendly faces at every stage!

I feel so relieved as I’ve now been officially diagnosed with endometriosis - I can’t believe it, I’m so happy to be able to underhand the reason for my pain!

I have to have more surgery, as they found a bowel adhesion and a big patch of endo right by my bladder, as well as some easier to remove spots, so want to have a bigger team and keep me overnight the day before.

I’m feeling a lot of pain now I’m home (belly and shoulders) and a bit overwhelmed- I don’t think it’s really hit me yet. Really struggling to get comfy lying down in any position- they made a cut to my belly bottom and to either side. Did you have an experience like this by any chance?



gkbear profile image
gkbear in reply to gkbear

I’m sorry for my really long message btw- feels nice to be able to share and ask for advice xx

Chrysta123 profile image
Chrysta123 in reply to gkbear

Haha no worries I write like essays on here at times 😅 so happy for you that you are diagnosed now! Obviously not good that do have it but I know what a weight off the mind it is to finally have an explaination, before mind I felt like I was actually going insane and glad you good friendly staff too 😊

Sorry to hear you will have to have more surgery, do you know when it will be? I had an adhession on my bowel too, but luckily they managed to remove everything in the 1 operation, made my bf worry though as it made it take longer than they had originally told us but I don’t think I could do it again!

I was exactly the same, it didn’t really sink in for a couple of weeks and oh was I an emotional wreck for the first few weeks which is normal by the way so don’t worry if you feel more emotional than usual! I was lucky and only needed the belly button incision then 1 on my belly not 2 but yea I did find lying down really uncomfortable and sore until I found out some tips, you might want to take a look at this post and scroll down to my replies (sorry both replys are a bit of a read but the second one should help you)

If you have any other questions I am by no means an expert but am happy to try and answer based on my experience 😊 xx

gkbear profile image
gkbear in reply to Chrysta123

Thank you!! You’re right, I’ve been feeling like I’ve been going mad up to now too! It’s been a couple of years of lots of tests and constant uncertainty, feels so good to just know that there are definite reasons for my symptoms :) had a really tough time trying to get my supervisor to understand how I’ve been affected by everything, hoping having a diagnosis will make things easier!

They said my surgery will be around 4 months from now- they want to discuss my case in their endometriosis specialist meetings to decide on the best way to carry it out. They also want a urologist to be at my surgery because of how close a patch is to my bladder (and I think they mentioned there’s also endo on a ligament near a tube leading to my bladder- I’m hoping they send me a letter and write everything down!) and said it might take longer to organise just because of getting lots of people in one place!

It’s really nice that you had everything done in one surgery, although I understand your bf must have been so worried! My bf was panicking too as they wouldn’t let him come in till a few hours after I’d got out! If you don’t mind me asking, did you have a lot of symptoms related to your bowel before surgery? It’s something I’ve struggled with and hopeful that the next surgery will make things better :) I hope your surgery really helped and that you’re feeling much better now?

Thank you so so much for those tips! It’s so nice of you to be so open and I appreciate it so much. I’m new here and I’ve never spoken to anyone whose had a similar experience to me, so thank you again :) xx

Chrysta123 profile image
Chrysta123 in reply to gkbear

I’ve been really lucky with work as I have super understanding managers but now that you have a dianosis like you say hopefully will be easier for you

Ah ok well hopefully the 4 months will go quickly, bet you can’t wait for some relief! I hope it all goes well and they manage to remove it all the second time around 🤞🏻 I got a letter after mine that said everything they removed although the doctor said a patch of endo + 3 adhessions and my letter only said 2 adhessions so that confused me a bit...but you should get something in writing, even if it is after the 2nd op

I did yea, I got almost IBS flare up type symptoms and when on my period I physically could not go to the toilet without taking strong painkillers as I would literally be in tears (sorry if thats tmi!), even for a wee it would be that bad but they didn’t find anything on my bladder... the pain was a lotttt less for my last period in general though which was a relief, I still needed painkillers but not as many or as strong as before, I have found the nausea is 1000 times worse now but not sure what to do about that... Do you have similar bowel symptoms?

No worries, I feel like after having to fight with doctors who wouldn’t even tell me what was going on and having to try and explain to family/friends/work for years I am just used to talking about it now, think sometimes I can be a bit too open about it though 😅 glad I could help though 😊 xx

gkbear profile image
gkbear in reply to Chrysta123

Thank you! I really hope so too, looking forward to getting another appointment with the consultant now I have a diagnosis, hope there might be something they can do to help with the pain until my next surgery - it's been constant and often unbearable these last few months... nothing really seems to help.

Sorry to hear, that sounds really difficult! Yeah I've had IBS-like symptoms a lot too, a lot of pain when going to the toilet and have struggled with constipation. My diet has been a mess too, I've found that anything with dairy or gluten makes my symptoms a lot worse! I had a colonoscopy as I saw a consultant who was 95% sure I had inflammatory bowel disease, but all showed up fine, which is how I was finally referred to gynae.

It's so nice that you're open about it, I think it's so important - and it's so nice to talk to someone who understands! xx

Chrysta123 profile image
Chrysta123 in reply to gkbear

Fingers crossed they can do, I bought an electric heat pad just from a supermarket and it does mean have to be attached to a socket but it wraps right around my stomach and back and seriously helps with the pain, not sure if could try something like that while you are waiting if they won’t do anything?

I keep getting told to cut things out kf my diet but i find it so hard! I’m lactose intolerant anyway and find it hard to just avoid that everyday feel like I would starve if I cut everything that caused flare ups out of my diet!

Agree with you that is nice to be able to talk to someone who understands, why I love this forum everyone is so understanding and helpful xx

gkbear profile image
gkbear in reply to Chrysta123

Oh that sounds amazing - I’ll have a look for one like that, thank you! :)

Yeah I’ve struggled with that too, feel like it can be so restrictive and I’m always worrying about what’s going to mess up my stomach. I hope you’re doing ok! xx

Chrysta123 profile image
Chrysta123 in reply to gkbear

Good luck finding one 😊

Know that worry all too well! I struggle through haha but the op deffo has helped so hope it really helps you once you get it xx

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