So I’ve posted on here a couple of times already about symptoms that I think sound like Endo, although trying to explain this to my doctor is like talking to a brick wall! So when I asked if she thinks it could be endometriosis her response was ‘ well do you think it’s that?! So she sent me for a sigmoidoscopy anyway, I agreed to this as another tick off of the list on tests they want you to do before more advanced things. (I was pretty sure before I went for it they would find nothing as I don’t think it’s my bowels). Anyway I had it done on Monday. Oh my god I did not expect the pain I experienced I even shouted a few times and I think I have a strong pain threshold! What I wanted to really know was has anybody else had this done and how did you feel couple of days after? As it seems to have worsened the original pain I was in, perhaps this is just to be expected but wondered if anyone in a similar position?
Sorry for the really long post and if this sounds stupid! But this forum has become my only way to talk about it as people understand on here how I am feeling! Thanks x