I was in hospital over a month ago what i believed was my appendix so they give me a laparoscopy and they took my appendix out anyway but i had retrograde menstrual bleeding they give me a clear out while i was under I haven’t stopped bleeding since I’ve come out of hospital over a month ago? I have a gynaecology appointment very soon but i really dont understand whats going on?
Is retrograde menstrual bleeding permanent? - Endometriosis UK
Is retrograde menstrual bleeding permanent?

I think you should speak to your GP asap about your constant bleed, you must be exhausted and need a check for anaemia.
Retrograde menstral bleeding is endometriosis is it not? The blood flowing backwards has endometrial cells and tissue that joins on to areas outside the womb, becoming inflamed and causing scar tissue and lesions which can give you pain....major pain, sorry but its a condition you probably have suffered with since your 1st menses.
Its a pity they didnt explain to you about endometriosis and this "clear out" did not have more detail of what they performed?
If they told you that you have endometriosis then you could well have been in pain due to this as many of us suffer pain as a result of endometriosis.
It can feel like dull ache, gnawing dull ache thats constant or it can feel like knife stabs, this could be spasms, many people speak of the pain like a dragging or pushing out or down on their insides, a red hot poker and so on. Anywhere in the pelvic area, abdominal and back, coccyxs in particular, and sometimes to the thighs no lower than plan the knee, lower to foot is usually sciatica...
I think the best thing would be to get a referral to an endometriosis BSGE centre. You need your GP to refer you directly. Endometriosis is a specialty mostly above any GP's knowledge so you need specialist care moving forward.
This reminds me of my 1st surgery in 2005 and they
Said "tidied up" only mentioning I had womb erosion which was heat treated/ quaterised...
This was my first real mention of endometriosis yet the term was never used to me and no information was given to me about the condition. Id a nice chocolate cyst removed (again they didnt call it an edometrioma) in 2012 and it was very nasty very hidden and filled with old "retrograde blood".
Please seek a referal to an endometriosis centre asap to grt yourself the right care moving forward.
Good luck!
Hello i went back to my gp a week after my op what all they said was my appendix was fine, but i have retrograde menstral bleeding ive tried and tried researching it but i literally don’t have a clue about it? They didnt tell me what they done they they thought it was appendix untill i was under they said it was retrograde menstral bleeding and had a ‘clear out’ while i was under but took my appendix out also although they was fine?
Ive got a gynaecologist appointment next week but I’ve been told they wont see me while im bleeding? I’m so confused with it all! They haven’t shed any light on the situation like the hospital...
It’s very draining for me as i don’t understand any of it! The pain some days is not to bad but other days its really bad and everything you have said i suffer with, the leg situation is very strange to the point i have to take a seat some times, or if im carrying my daughter i have to put her down..
When i was in hospital i had an ultrasound he said there was cyst on my left ovarie, and he couldn’t find my right... then he done an inturnal and he said definitely appendix... then when i went to theatre they told me that my appendix was fine and it was actually retrograde menstral bleeding, what i dont have a clue about i didnt even know anything about endo i feel really stupid not knowing anything and im really worried because its hard! I havent been able to do much with my daughter due to feeling constantly drains and ive noticed ive become very snappy abd I don’t mean to be also my blood turns from bright brown to bright red its very strange like couple of days heavy red bleed then to like a brown then back to red xxxx
Newer blood is more bright red and old blood is brown, your bound to be carrying different types if you have endometriosis, they described it as retrograde...these tissues attach to other places and try to "bleed" causing inflammation and pain.
It will vary in pain during your cycle.
Could it be possible you could ask them to investing cervical ectropian, its when there is a cut so to speak on the lining of your womb, if constamt bleeding you need it cauterised so it stops bleeding. I had the procesure done in 2005 and took less than a week to recover but it stopped my constant bleed and bleeding after intercourse.
You are veing spoken to medically as if you "know" their terms, for him to say he couldn't find one of your ovaries coukd very well mean during the "clean out" they removed endometrial adhesions from your ovary.
Its often that one or both ovaries are caught in in endometrial web type tissues that stick everything together or to the pelvic wall!
Welcome to the club! I only found out I had a problem with endometriosis last March during hysterectomy for adenomyosis of the womb plus dismenhorea
Pain and heavy bleeding.
I had to learn from ladies on this site what all this meant.
I think the constant bleed rings bells for cervical ectropian so they could investigate this bleed further but you need to go to an endometriosis BSGE centre in the U.K if you can?
Ask GP for a referral.
Oh yes carrying your child will be really difficult with this pain and no doubt worsen your symptoms.
How are you when you sneexe or cough do you hurt inside? I always felt my throat was comnected to mu ovaries as Id sneeze and my right ovary would get pulled out of my pelvice, it was the most shocking pain!
Then inside me everything was stuck together in a web of endometrial lesions...sneezing really hurt!
Good luck.
So when i go to the gynae next week what shall i ask them to look for? I’m literally so confused for it all and it makes me feel so stupid!
Aslo where is this endometriosis BSGE center? Im in kent?
I’m only 24 i don’t understand medical terms when they was saying anout the retrograde i had literally just woken yo from surgery so ive literally been googling it and not much has come up? I went back to my doctors about the sickness and the pain still and constant bleeding but one day isnt that bad then other days I cant cope and it’s not fair with an active 4 year old i feel she misses out when mummys in to much pain to play
Thank you for being so caring and understanding xxxx
Bless you
You have a 4yr old too, my boy loses out on Mummy time for sure due to this bugger!
BSGE explaination;
The British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy
The link to the website shows where in the U.K where the acredited centres are based.
You could say to your G.P?
In speaking with a colleague and suffere of Endometriosis, they suspect you may have cervical ectropian (its where there is an erosion of sorts of the wombs lining resulting in a constant bleed, you wish to have a referral straight to an endometriosis specialist as during surgery you have already been told you have it and had a "clear out".
I Think you can look the endometriosis centres up by post code search. See if you have one near.
If you get a gynaecology referral you may then get referred to an endometriosis specialist so this should help cut out the middle man.
There is no harm in asking.
Please be aware that endometriosis often does not show up on MRI scan and that laparoscopy like you had before (a surgery) is the only way for sure to see if it is present.
I really believe cervical ectropian could be causing your constant bleed, Im not a Dr obviously but had one cauterised ie (heat treated closed) in 2005 and the nleeding stopped. Intercourse would bring a bleed every time too yet this all stopped after my surgery.
Think of your cervix like a mountain that has loose boulders, the boukders and stones keep falling down because they ha e became unstable, the quaterisation will heal/cement the surfave together so that its no longer eroding ie no more blood flow - until your actual period od course!
Good luck.
Please stand your Ground with the GP get your referral amd stress yoi have a 4yr old child dependent on you. Really dont get fobbed off you need this treated/investigated asap.
Helly. X