I’m after a bit of advice. I’m getting really bad pain when I ovulate. It usually starts about 4 days after my period endsand lasts for a few days (anything up to 10). The only way to describe the pain is like contractions. It lasts for about 20 mins at a time and builds and builds until I have to get up and pace. It wakes me up at night and I have to get out of bed as it’s so painful. It’s not the same as period pain.
It started about 6 years ago after I had my third child. I’d always had heavy and really painful periods before that. I was diagnosed with PCOS about 20 years ago so my periods were always really erratic. Since having my third child, they have become fairly regular (30 days). Since having children, my period pains seemed to have disappeared. I went to my doctor about my pains and I was fobbed off a couple of times with them saying it was mittelschmerz. I would have accepted this were it not for the fact that it goes on for so many days and is so painful. One month i had some mid-cycle bleeding so I went to the docs and was sent for an internal scan. It showed that all was okay with my ovaries and that they were no longer polycystic. I was told that I have a small fibroid but from what I’ve read, these cause heavy periods - and not pain - and mine aren’t as heavy these days. I also have a tilted womb (backwards).
Over the last few months, I’m starting to get period pains again. They’re not bad, more like dull aches but they seem to be getting more frequent. I’ve also been getting an orangey, clear discharge (mid-month) which I have put down to ovulation but about a week after this, I had some darker red discharge. When I get my pains, they are mainly right sided and the pain radiates right down in to my lady bits. I also get shooting pains up my bum when ovulating and sometimes on my period. When I get the pain, my stomach bloats right up but goes down once the pain has subsided.
I guess what I want advice on is can the pain of endo be worse around ovulation than when you have your period? Does anyone think it would be worth me going back to the docs? They make you feel such a fraud sometimes 🙁