I was curious to know how common it is to have an infection that is endo related.
Last July after one month of feeling an odd pain on the left side of my pelvic, around where the ovary and tube is, my pain escalated to the point where I went to the emergency room. They just did and ultrasound and saw that my left side mass was so big it was overshadowing my right side. They couldn’t even make out the right side. Plus they couldn’t make out what was ovary or tube on the left side. Two days later I had an obgyn appointment. The doctor thought my cyst was bleeding into itself hence causing the pain, so we went ahead with surgery.
I woke up from surgery to find out that I had a tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA)! She said it was about 10cm! Pathology then came back noting that the bacteria which caused it was group b strep!! The bacteria that flows all throughout our GI system. Doctors say this is an uncommon bacteria to have caused my infection. As usually it’s caused by a sexually transmitted disease bacteria like ghonorrhwa or clymidia. He even said it’s a pretty uncommon case. I showed no fever, but it might have been because I was taking Tylenol and Advil the whole week leading up to it so maybe the medicine was keeping my temperature normal? But then again TOAs sometimes aren’t presented with a fever. Anyway the TOA was drained and the doctor had to patch me up because they couldn’t do anything else since I was so inflamed. This was also when I found out I had stage iv frozen pelvis endo.
I have a hydrosalpinx on the same side too that was discovered years ago. So our theory is that the hydrosalpinx made it hard for my body to get rid of the bacteria, thus causing the infection.
How many of you all have had infections too? And what happened?