Extreme fatigue: Over the past 6 - 8 months... - Endometriosis UK

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Extreme fatigue

IndigoMoon1234 profile image
16 Replies

Over the past 6 - 8 months, I have been feeling so exhausted at times that I physically can't move. My arms and legs just feel too heavy to move. It is like trying to swim while you are wearing heavy winter clothes. Honestly, I am finding the tiredness and lethargy harder to deal with than the pain.

Does anyone else experience this? Could this be a symptom of the endo?

Many thanks in advance for any info.

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IndigoMoon1234 profile image
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16 Replies
Mariboro profile image

Exhaustion or chronic fatigue from pain is definitely a problem. I have been trying to spread out daily routine so I'm not as exhausted. I also find caffeine makes it worse! I feel you IndigoMoon1234. Fatigue is so difficult especially when you are used to being active and functional. My only advice is be patient. Don't beat yourself up when you need rest and allow more time to accomplish essential tasks. How we manage this in such a busy world exactly I still don't know. Positive vibes everyone 💕

IndigoMoon1234 profile image
IndigoMoon1234 in reply to Mariboro

Thank you so much for the lovely message. It is great that someone understands. When you tell family and friends, you are in pain, they understand it but when you tell them you are exhausted they think you are just being lazy. Thank you so so much for your kind message.

Mariboro profile image
Mariboro in reply to IndigoMoon1234

I know it's really hard, as my internal voice tells me I'm lazy too. But we are not. We are struggling and need to be kind to ourselves because the world isn't always. Wishing you strength in this struggle! Hope spacing things out helps conserve some energy too 💪

Amber83 profile image

I feel u on this one, the exhaustion is worse than the pain for me! I’ve been searching for a reason why I feel so exhausted for months as it’s really affecting everything in my life or my not life as it is ☹️ I think it is the Endo but don’t want to accept it is as this means there’s prob nothing I can do about it. I have looked at B12 being a reason and it’s worth looking into. I’ve started taking methylcobalamin B12 everyday and a spray multivitamin to see if it will help a bit? Xxxx

IndigoMoon1234 profile image
IndigoMoon1234 in reply to Amber83

Thank you so much for your message. I absolutely agree the tiredness is worse than the pain and has a bigger effect on your day-to-day life plus friends and family seem to be more understanding about pain than fatigue. Will definitely try vit b12. Thanks for the tip and I hope they work for you. Good luck!

Dakrav profile image
Dakrav in reply to IndigoMoon1234

Hi indigo-moon, I feel you. I would also ask you to try to check your Vit D, Vit b12, and iron too. With a proper blood work. So you may be assured if they are a part too. I got it checked and I was very low in all of them.

StefaniaJW profile image
StefaniaJW in reply to Amber83

Vitamin B6, B9 (folic acid) and B2 (riboflavin) deficiencies are much more common in women with endo and they are great vitamins to help with fatigue as well :)

Hessyh profile image

Hi indigomoon1234, I understand what you mean by feeling exhausted, everyday tasks feel like your trying to climb Mount Everest. People think your lazy but that’s not the case at all. Fatigue and tiredness is a symptom of endo but being in constant pain is exhausting and people don’t understand. I was advised to try yoga or Pilates as it meant to help and I also had acupuncture which really helped with the pain. Your not alone xx

StefaniaJW profile image

Chronic fatigue is typical of those who suffer from any immune-related disease (be it endo or an autoimmune disease) because of the inflammation it leads to and the gut issues that usually cause it. You should ask your doctor for blood work (iron and vitamin D) and start taking magnesium, vitamin B6 and B9 everyday, as well as selenium and zinc to support the immune system. Endo requires a tailored, life-long healthy lifestyle, which means at least 9 hours of good-quality sleep per night and mild physical exercise everyday (preferably walking, yoga or swimming for 20-30 minutes at least 4 times a week. I go out for a walk everyday). Eating less carbs and more healthy proteins (freshly caught fish and free range eggs), a lot of RAW SALAD/veggies and fruit, nuts and fermented foods (grass-fed goat's/sheeps'/donkey's yoghurt and butter, kombutcha, kefir) will definitely help with the fatigue as well. Cut down coffee and only have matcha green tea.

Don't overstress yourself or you'll get worse.

This should be enough to help immensely!

sarahsarah123 profile image

Just wanted to say, as everyone else has said- I feel your pain! I used to feel absolutely awful the week during and week after my period, often bed-bound by fatigue and I even got a fever sometimes too. However, you don't mention if you are on any kind of treatment- I have now been taking Visanne (not available in the UK yet but is prescribed across Europe- I'm getting mine from Spain) for around 4 months and my fatigue has pretty much completely gone. So even if you can't get Visanne, some kind of hormonal treatment may be able to help with the fatigue. But definitely good to make all the dietary and lifestyle changes first to see if it helps! x

Mermaid-Galaxy88 profile image

Hey :-)

Yes! My tiredness is insane..I'm finding it hard to wake up in the morning, missing my two alarms..And most days having to have a nap in the afternoon but then I wake from that and feel worse..I used to be able to get up at 6am and do the school run, But now when I wake I feel like I've had no sleep all night. My eyes feel heavy and I'm yawning constantly.

I do think it has something to do with Endo, I was diagnosed with stage 2 in October 2018 and had coil fitted, I go back in April and I'm asking to have the endo removed..Can't cope much longer!

Hope you feel better soon xx

tedwina profile image

Hi there. Fatigue is definitely a problem for women with endo, as this study shows: endofound.org/examining-end... .

Personally, I have found that a healthy diet and taking exercise have helped (Pilates is a good one for me, as the gentle stretches help with the endo pain). I was put on a Mirena coil 18 months ago and had constant bleeding for the first 12 months, which meant that I was exhausted all of the time. A friend bought me some excellent vitamin tablets (Premtis from Nature’s Best) which helped a lot, so I think I was lacking in nutrients. My bleeding has settled now, so I’m not nearly so tired - there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Rest assured that you are not alone! Take care.

Purplewitch18 profile image

Yes i get this and sometimes my legs are so heavy and painful it hurts to walk. Just getting up the stairs is a struggle and im huffing and puffing like an oap! Ive not found anything that stops it all except birth control which i dont like taking either because that caused other problems for me. The fatigue is awful, i just put up a post asking for advice with it too.

MrsWalshy profile image

Another fatigue sufferer here! I'm sorry I can't offer any advice, but I am sending big hugs!

Bizarrely, for the last 2-3 months my pain has really ramped up, along with new symptoms (mainly digestive) but my fatigue actually reduced! I have done nothing different so I have no idea of the reason, but I would 100% rather deal with the pain than the fatigue.

I hope you all find some improvement soon xxx

endokicker1 profile image


I know exactly how you feel. I used to feel so fatigued that I could be walking and it would feel like my legs can't take a single step further.

Fatigue is a very common, less talked about symptom of Endometriosis. Your body is fighting inflammation daily so it is no wonder that fatigue happens.

I suggest you see you doctor and ask for your iron levels to be checked. It could be that you have low iron levels because of heavy periods. Also ask that they check your thyroid. Our thyroid gland produces the thyroid hormone which helps convert oxygen and calories to energy. Many endosisters have hypothyroidism without knowing it.

Then try and eat lots of fruits and vegetables, take supplements if necessary and stay away from processed sugars.

Wishing you all the best and please message me if you need any more information.

sakura22 profile image

Yes, fatigue is a big problem. Getting plenty of sleep, good nutrition and is important. It is hard to do the food prep and food shopping when you feel exhausted but if you can stick with it it will help. Pacing your activity is important, sometimes you can't just can't do what you used to before the endo got bad. Sometimes you just need a day off. But try not to be inactive on consecutive days as inactivity is not good for your health either.

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