I had excision surgery nearly 2 months ago for stage 3/4 endo, the first period wasn't too bad it was probably the best one I've had in years. However I'm due to start my second period and I'm in agony again but not all the pains I experienced before though, the leg pain has gone and so has the pain in my hips. But the pain in my sides and groin are just as bad as before and I still have the same bladder and bowel problems that I had before my lap which haven't got any better, in fact my bowel symptoms are worse. I also still get the shooting pains up my bum and vagina (tmi sorry) is it possible that they didn't get all of the endo even though they said they did? I did have it in a lot of places, thanks xx
How long after surgery does it take to se... - Endometriosis UK
How long after surgery does it take to see an improvement?

I’m 3 months post lap and still not seeing any improvements but it can take a way to heal internally.
Maybe just give it a couple more months and see if it changes xxx
It can take up to four months to completely recover from the surgery due to the invasive nature of the op. The uterus doesn't like being moved around prodded so it'll take a while to move back to a normal position and feel okay.
As endo can by cyclical, sometimes symptoms may feel worse after the op for a few months, and especially during your periods.
Your body is still healing and it cannot tell the difference between endo pain and removal of endo pain so we associate it as not gone.
Sometimes if nerves / ligaments / muscles have been affected by endo these can take time to heal too with endo removed from them; so they may still be damaged for a while.
They'll get all the endo they can see, unfortunately endo is cells so we can never have it all removed. Symptoms vary too, some women have a bit of endo and lots of symtoms and some have a lot of endo with little symptoms so just because you're feeling awful at the moment doesn't mean they missed a bit, it can just be recovery from the op.
it took me 4 months ish to feel okay again after each of my laps.
hope that helps xx
I have read in a lot of articles that it can take up to 6 months to feel the full benefits of the surgery. In the meantime you could talk to you consultant about going on Zoladex for a few months
I’m in exactly the same boat, it is hard to stay positive. Just trying to wait it out to see if there is any improvement at the 6th month mark, otherwise i’ll be searching for a new strategy!
I hope you do see some improvements in the coming months xxxx