Mirena coil- only option- your feedback w... - Endometriosis UK

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Mirena coil- only option- your feedback would be appreciated!

9 Replies

Hello. I had the worst flare up I’ve had for a long time a few weeks back. I was throwing up with the pain and spent several days in bed sleeping/on strong painkillers. The dr has recommended the mirena coil. I’ve had this recommended to me before but have been terrified! Now I feel it’s my only option- however I’m 32 and my dr is saying if we want children we need to hurry as I won’t be able to have IVF on the NHS past 35. We don’t want children yet (if at all). But is the coil the answer? Is it worth it? Anyone who’s had the coil all feedback would be welcome. I’m unsure what to do. The pill hasn’t worked for me. I’m not looking for a magic cure just something that’s a little better than what I’ve experienced these past few weeks!

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9 Replies
Victoria1988 profile image

Hiya i thought I would reply as I am in a similar situation I had my laparoscopy done in march this year it was explained before that if they found any endo they wanted me to have the coil fitted whilst having the operation i was very much against it i just didnt want it and i just didnt think they would find anything like it wouldnt be me, anyway i had time before the surgery to think about it and give consent and i did the reason why is because i suffer from migranes so my other options are limited in regards to hormone treatments , my other options would be the mini pill but they say the coil very good.

I woke up and they had found some endo and so i had the coil fitted whilst still under the anethstetic. 8 months on i have had to be sent back to the gyne because i was having bad hip pain also back and leg pain also having more periods and my moods are very up and down, i am also suffering with quite bad anxiety and noticing very thick black hairs growing on my face not to mention terrible clusters of acne break outs. I also keep feeling nauseous and tired. I spoke to my gyne and she says the next port of call would be the mini pill.

My gyne will be removing it in november as i went back to see her at 6 months and wanted to wait until 8 months to at least say i tried to persist with it but i just dont think its for me 😕 its such a shame as it could have been more of a straight forward answer but now im kind of in limbo thinking what if the mini pill doesnt help then what other options will i have? Or do i just stay away from hormones all together? Im 30 and I dont want children at the moment but i also do worry for the future.

I thought i would reply to maybe in some way help just to share what i have been through but im sure its not the same for all women as everyone is different I hope you get all the info you need and things get better for you 💕 if you have any questions just ask xx

in reply to Victoria1988

Thank you for sharing your experience with me! It’s hard to know what to do. When I’m having a flare up I feel I will agree to anything as I’m desperate but the longer I think about the long term the more unsure I am. Xx

AllthatGlitters profile image

Hi I won’t be going for the coil, I am quite against it as I have had the implant twice as well as the injection. The implant got lost in my body, I put on weight, periods stopped all together, it made me very round in the stomach area, hid gynaecology issues as my periods stopped and once I had the implant out my body went crazy! the injection was not that better either. I personally don’t feel that things that are put into my body are any good for me, however there are also a lot of other great stories from ladies on here about the coil. Good luck in deciding and only you know what’s best for your situation x

in reply to AllthatGlitters

Thank you! I’ve put in weight with the pill and I found I was very emotional and up and down. I don’t like the idea of that happening again and having to wait to get it taken out. I don’t know what else to go for other than this! Feel like it’s a last option xx

vmagpie profile image

Hi I’ve got the mirena, it was kind of my last option to ‘sort my periods out’ before endo or laps or anything were suggested, it really worked for a while on loads of symptoms. I’d had the injections, pills etc and had terrible times so was reluctant to have it for ages. After my third child I went for it. It helped for ages.. but since my 3rd child (emergency c-section), I’ve had a lump growing in my abdominal wall, giving me symptoms so can imagine without the coil I’d be so much worse.

Sorry what I’m trying to say is that I think the coil helped me but with all the symptoms from the lump it’s hard to tell what’s what.

Hope that makes sense?


in reply to vmagpie

Thank you for your feedback- that’s kind of what my dr suggested that it would make my symptoms not as bad. It’s really hard to know what to do but good to hear as much feedback as possible! Xx

dionnemm profile image

Hi Sorry to hear how you have been. I truly sympathise as endo is just awful. I had a lap 9 months ago to rwmove endo and had mirena inserted during the lap. I had it removed yesterday so i had it in for 9 months. everyones experience will be different but for me there were positives and negatives. positives were i had alost no pain in that 9 months.... few cramps but nothing major. still had some bleeding but manageable and not every month. negatives for me... skin is not as good as it was... and the dreaded one... weight gain. have puy on over a stone in 9 months. GP and nurse were both present when it was removed and they said i should lose the weight noe its out as some will be water retension too. I hope whatever you do works for you. I now need to decide what i am going to tey to keep this endo at bay xxx

I didn’t want Mirena. Mainly because I heard it was painful and also I don’t feel comfortable with any form of contraception that involves “rejecting” an already fertilised egg (just my personal preference-I know most wont agree and that’s fine). My Gynae suggested that if I had it fitted, I can still use condoms etc and not use mirena as a form of contraception. This made sense, so I decided to brave the procedure!

I had a local anaesthetic for insertion but once inserted, the pain was worse than any Endo pain and it even felt worse than child birth pain! It took me about a month to properly be pain free. Six months on and I can honestly say it’s the best decision I’ve ever made! My periods, whilst very irregular, are extremely light and pain free-almost unnoticable! I’m very happy and will get another one fitted in 4.5years! The other thing to bear in mind is that I can’t take any hormones via tablet, injection or implant, but the hormone dosage is so low in the mirena that it’s not affected my depression at all.

Mermaid-Galaxy88 profile image


I had my lap done 4 days ago and had Mirena Coil fitted..I'm hoping it helps as I was put on the pill for 8 months before hand and it worked for the first couple months..my pains weren't as bad..but then it stopped..I wasn't going to have the coil as I had heard good and bad things about it..my surgeon came and explained about it again and asked what my concerns with it was..They found endo covering both my ovaries and womb (luckily I've got two boys and don't want anymore kids) he said to try the coil for 6 months and see how I get on with it..I also had the implant for 9 Months and had to have it out as I bleed alot on it..It's either this or a bit op to try and remove the endo or my ovaries & womb all together..I'm really praying this coil helps as I've just turned 30 and really don't want to have it all taken away! :-) xx

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