Hi lovely ladies
I'm new here. After years of being unwell with bloating, pain, constipation and sever fatigue and being diagnosed ME/CFS and a gluten intolerance which i learnt to live with.. I suddenly became unwell a year ago. Was rushed to hospital with severe back pain, vomiting and urine retention. I have been through a year of hell, 21 hospital admissions for severe pain, right sided paralysis, not being able to pass urine, kidney infections from Catheters. Had a Lumbar puncture, MRI scans, CT scans, Cystoscopy, Extensive bladder testing in UCLH. Told i probably had MS or a demyelination of the spinal cord as I had right sided weakness, abnormal reflexes and bladder hypotonia. Prescribed no end of pain medications which now include morphine and morphine patches, heaps of diazepam, codeine and the list could continue. I was told I would need a implant in the base of my spine in UCLH hospital to restore my bladder function and before that the specialist just thought oh we better do a laparoscopy first. I thought what... ok. So I had one last week and blow me I have been diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis, adenomyosis and severe polycystic ovaries. My bowel bladder and uterus are all stuck together. The gynecologist didn't do any treatment and told me it was major and she would need a colorectal and urology surgeon present at next surgery. She has said if we wish we can try and conceive and it will supress the endo for pregnancy. Obviously I will need surgery and treatment and understand this is not going away. But I am so shocked and worried. Me and my partner want a family so much so have decided to start trying but I'm on so many drugs and we have never tried so I'm wondering could I get pregnant straight away!! Any advice helpful, and I'm wondering if anyone else had parlysis or urine retention like myself and have to self catheterise.