Hi all,
So I don't know where to start... I had surgery on Thursday to remove an ovarian cyst. Great news is that I was able to keep my ovary, but I have 'moderate' endometriosis and they had to treat my other ovary to remove endo from that too... That's all the information I have so far, I have an appointment with my consultant in a month to discuss things.
I'm 31 and want children, but it won't be for a few years yet... So I'm panicking to be honest I know moderate endo has a substantial impact on fertility, that's assuming it doesn't become severe at some point...
I guess I'm wondering now if I've been living with pain that I kind of thought everyone got and actually it was endometriosis... I think I'm right that it can affect your bowel and bladder? I notice that if I need the toilet (bowel and bladder) I can either be uncomfortable or actually just in pain. Particularly my bowel, I can get really intense stabbing internal pains... Is that something anyone else gets? If I have a full bladder I get a really painful, slightly bloated lower stomach that I'm not sure is normal?! I've been thinking it was my cyst more recently as the pain from that was making me pass out when I ovulated, but I guess maybe I've been overlooking the full range of symptoms. I'm getting the stabbing pains this morning, even though the cyst is gone...
I'm so worried I won't be able to have children, I'm not sure how this is managed either...? I guess really it would just be nice to hear from people who understand. I'm terrified of the thought of not being able to have a family and really tearful at the moment.
Is there any support out there for partners too? My boyfriend is really worried... I'm also worried he doesn't understand how big them impact of fertility problems are for a woman.
Lise x