Hi all,
Over the last 6 months my pain free days has gradually reduced from 2 days pain around ovulation and 4 days pain around the start of my period to now I have no pain free days.
The doctor has prescribed me codeine without paracetamol because I'm allergic and I'm finding that I need to take it 4-6 days a week usually a 30mg dose just once in the day. The rest of the days I just push through in pain because I'm worried about getting addicted to the codeine.
I do try to just take an ibuprofen but it doesn't touch the pain so then I end up taking a codeine.
I tried the mini pill but ended up with erythema nodosum which gave me horrific leg pain and swollen bruise like lumps so had to come off that. I am scheduled to have the mirena coil fitted in mid October but I'm terrified it will give me more side effects.
Basically I feel at a loss at the moment, the days I take codeine I can live my life normally but I just don't want to become dependant on medication.
The Dr's will not give me another laparoscopy for a year at least because I have had 2 already 2 years ago to remove a cyst and then my ovary and I have a lot of adhesions so they say it could just make the pain worse.
Can anyone recommend any other pain relief that may help as much as codeine does? I am currently eating along the Endo diet lines but know this can take time and am taking B vitamins, omega 3 & probiotics to help with the bowel symptoms and give me some more energy.
Sorry such a long post I'm just so sick of being in pain all of the time, I just want to be the person I used to be its soul destroying.