6th lap smashed and out the way 😊...a go... - Endometriosis UK

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6th lap smashed and out the way 😊...a good news hopefully story

Moodle214 profile image
β€’5 Replies

Morning all, hope this finds you as well and pain free as possible. Many apologies to the lovely ladies who responded to my post about ideas to manage fatigue....ironically I then became too fatigued to respond πŸ˜‚ but please do read them as there are some great ideas on there.

So, lucky me, I've just had my 6th lap in about 17 years and honestly I've really come to look forward to them as much as a holiday, something people without endo will never really understand. My last lap didn't suit me too well, up until the last one I'd only ever had laser ablation which worked well for me, the last was excision which didn't work so well for me so for this one I requested to go back to laser. I've woken up today tired but feeling better than I have in over a year and a half. Now I know as always this isn't the be all and end all cure (there isn't one sadly) and I now need to get my newly diagnosed adenomyosis until as much control as i can but i guess this is my way of saying please dont fear your laps - they can bring such great relief. For those of you newly diagnosed it can be a scary journey but I would urge you to research things, ask questions here and of your consultant, no question is daft. Best tip I can give is to take a supply of peppermint tea bags for after your op, honestly it's the only thing that helps with the referred pain after the gas and no painkiller touches it but for some the tea is a miracle....Oh and if you have to have bowel prep the night before - have baby wipes with you, toilet paper feels like a bladed weapon after a while πŸ˜‚.

I'm going to spend my recuperation time researching diet and batch cooking healthy nutritious foods e.g. soups to freeze so if i do become tired they're a great stand by food. Unfortunately before this op I was so dog tired and brain fogged I just couldn't think about doing anything other than beige coloured freezer meals and then getting even more down about putting on weight. I do think a lot of what we eat has a huge impact on our health and wellbeing.

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5 Replies
Ash24601 profile image

I’m awaiting my 6th! Thanks for giving me some hope

Moodle214 profile image
Moodle214 in reply to Ash24601

Awwwww wishing you all the very best for yours xx

Lulububs profile image

I cant agree on the endo as after two laps they still say i havent got it but to quick clotting blood hence huge clots on period which is like labour!

Im on traneaxmic acid which works for the clotting but it was suggested i change my lifestyle..

I therefor did alot of homework and saw alot of people who deal with nutrition and exercise so i have been gluten and dairy free for over year which has helped massively... the inflammation in my body on periods has halved i also dont bloat! No breads and stodge has helped.

I lost two stone.

Stopped eating processed food, to Much alcohol, Sugar another one that inflames ur body.

Then started yoga and it had dramtically changed my pain levels i now never take painkiller aless i am actually on my period now it just a few paracetamol.

Do u know meds can actually have the oposite effect on ur body after a while , i stopped taking cocodamol And naproxen and was expecting hell but i actually felt better??? Apparently naproxen are well known for this.

So in question of having a change in lifestyle in all the things i was given ie meds, operations the lifestyle change helped me most.

After seeing alot of specialists on these subjects endo,periods and ibs digestive issues have very similar symptoms and can all be helped in same way, cutting out things that inflame out bodies system

weekari profile image
weekari in reply to Lulububs

I totally agree with you about the painkillers. It's a short term minor relief but longer term, I think they make things worse. Due to the impact they have on the gut, I would never touch NSAIDS like ibuprofen. I only take codeine when I'm really bad and desperate for sleep.

Is great you're benefiting from the diet change. I was already a very healthy vegan and cut out soy, gluten, sugar and alcohol but it made no difference for me whatsoever. It's still a way of eating I aim for as I know it's healthy and good for dealing with inflammation.

I totally agree about yoga too. It's been a life saver for me - my mind and body benefit so much. I don't know how I would've coped if I didn't do it. We should get free yoga classes on the NHS! πŸ™πŸΌ

Lulububs profile image
Lulububs in reply to weekari

Yeh i agree over the yoga it helps to have a strong mind and b able to take urself away from ur body for a while when u in pain.

I found the diet the osteo/physio and the probiotcs and getting a healthy stomach all helped me to.

I think mine more along lines of ibs and stress then endo, i had a lap it found nothing ( noone convinced though as ihad a trainee gynae) so was then sent to a gastro which suggested changing my lifestyle which i just thought β€œ here we go” so i just thought 2 weeks trial and then i know if it makes any diff and it did i was gobsmacked.

My periods are still about 7-10 for pain BUT i dont get the bloat and i dont feel sick and it only last two days now so it has helped period about 50-60% better

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