I go for a laparoscopy in 2 weeks for suspected endo. But im anxious and worried theyl find nothing and that all my symptoms are in my head. I have painful sex thats felt deep inside and blood from my bum during periods. I get random shooting pains sometimes so intense and frequent i have to stop. Searching online and i just cant find what i need. Thinking ill go for the surgery and come away and therel be nothing wrong. I get period pain that makes my body ache and i feel generaly unwell. My bits will feel heavy and tender qnd the lower back ache will last the first few days. My mood swings are unreal and are starting to affect my work. I can be happy one minute then realy angry to then crying uncontrollably
Do i have endo: I go for a laparoscopy in... - Endometriosis UK
Do i have endo

Noones replied 😕
I felt like this before I had my 1st laparoscopy December last year. But they found a vast amount. You’ve got nothing to lose to go through with it but your symptoms are very similar to mine
There is no way unfortunately to know whether you have endo before your lap.
I know it’s nerve wrecking but at least when you have your lap you will have definitive answers.
And if it’s not endometriosis then start running more investigations to find the cause.It’s a process of illumination. Personally I wish I didn’t have endo because it’s not a nice condition to have.
I can understand that you need answers for all the pain & suffering and hope you get answers soon.
Good luck with the lap hope it goes well xoxo
P.s I have bleeding from my bottom during my periods, and I can’t have sex too deep as it is too painful. I have endo in my POD uterosacral and all over my rectum. Get the gynae to look at other organs not just pelvic xoxo
Thanks for your responses girls. Had my lap yesterday and endo was confirmed and removed. Also found a cyst on my ovary which requires further examination. So relieved to have answers and not what my first gynae said that im not emptying my bowels enough 🙊
Sorry to hear you have endo but glad you have got answers for all the symptoms & pain. At least now you have a diagnosis you and the medics know what you are dealing with. Good luck with the cyst examination; my mum had a cyst which they monitored and were about to remove but it had gone on it’s own! xoxo

Thank you ^_^ hope you are managing to cope with your symptoms xxx