hi all was wondering if anyone who has had the decapeptyl injection has bled within the first month. I was told it would stop my periods and was wondering if this is normal? I'm assuming it's taking time to kick I don't know whether I should contact my gynaecologist or not? Xx
Decapeptyl injection: hi all was wondering... - Endometriosis UK
Decapeptyl injection

Hi Georgia, I am on monthly Decapeptyl injections aswell im actually going for my 4th Injection today.
In the first month I was like you and had a normal period and no other symptoms so I suspect the injection hadn't really kicked in by then as they say it can take up to 8wks!!.
In month 2 my period stopped but all hell broke loose and all my symptons seemed to flare up, I didn't have any menstrual cramps but more of a constant dull ache along with backache, severe night sweats and pain when I needed the toilet but I have severe Endo and know my bladder & bowel are involved so I put the aches down to that. I also had a few weeks of feeling very depressed and I mean bawling my eyes out over anything and that really scared me as I had never read about depression being a side effect but luckily that passed.
In month 3 everything calmed down, I still had my backache,night sweats and pain with bowel movements (sorry tmi) but im generally feeling much better, and now today I'm going for no 4.
My advice would be to expect next month to be bad and you won't be shocked but don't give up on the injections as after a few weeks things will settle down. I can see why some people give up after the 2nd month but for me any discomfort is an improvement on the bleeding I was having as I was bleeding very heavily more often than not and was anaemic to the point of needing a transfusion.
I just can't believe I'm on my 4th injection already it has flown in so I only have 2 left and I need to decide what I'm going to try next, my Consultant keeps steering me towards a hysterectomy but at 37 I just don't feel ready :(.
Good Luck!!

Thank you for the advice I thought it was probably normal to have a period in the first month. It in a weird way made me feel better as I haven't had one for 4 months and at least I no everything is working as normal! Ive already started having nights sweats so I can imagine this is going to get worse. My symptoms have started getting better already but not to the point where I'm happy to live my life like it every day! I hope this next injection goes well for u. I already feel quite down and depressed and my doctors has put me on amitriptyline so hopefully it will kick in by then and won't feel so low. My bleeding doesn't tend to be a problem it's more a constant dull ache I was getting every day. The advice I have been given is to have a baby but at 23 im not actually ready just yet! Xxx
Babies don't cure Endometriosis they just let things settle for 10 months but then it comes right back so your right not to be forced into it if your not ready but my advice would be to seriously decide how you feel about kids because Endo can seriously impact your fertility the longer you leave it.
I already had a child when I was diagnosed but my Dr told me with the severity of my condition if I wanted more i should try sooner than later. I started trying And it took me 6yrs to get pregnant then sadly I miscarried so started trying again and I mean trying everything IUI/IVF and it took me another 9yrs to fall pregnant again. Some people with Endo are lucky and it doesn't affect their fertility but then in cases like mine getting pregnant can be a nightmare so if you know you really want kids my advice would be to not leave it too long x

Hi I am very new to the Decaptyl inj had it 13days ago again for heavy bleeding causing chronic Anaemia. I got the coil first came out after 2 weeks bleeding so bad have another now 2 weeks started light bleed today never really stopped since Mirena insertion wondering does inj stop periods x
Hi, I had severe bleeding with a lot of pain within the first month. I bled pretty much non stop for three months until they took me off the estradiol HRT patches (I also still had the mirena in). How long have you been bleeding? If it's worrying you give your gynae a call although it might take time for things to adjust if it's going to work for you (fingers crossed). Good luck with the menopausal symptoms - good tip for hot flushes is to run your wrists under a cold tap until you feel it pass : )
Thank you for your replies! I really want to start trying for a baby but my partner is out of work and it's not a good time! I haven't been bleeding that long only a few days but I just wanted to know if it's normal. I'm hoping it will stop soon. My mums anaemic and I run the risk of getting that too! thank you for the tip I will try this xx