I have been diagnosed with endo (after years of miscarriage and misdiagnosis). I had a lap in September last year to remove but was back in pain again by Christmas. The consultant assured me that it couldn’t have returned so quickly, but a scan revealed it had - he ate his words. The only saving grace is that it is all located to my left side (or it was at the time of that scan in January). I am scheduled for a left ovarianectomy and tubectomy next Monday but he said that if it’s spread he’ll do a full hysterectomy.
I am torn. I think I want another child. But I’m sick of being in pain and it’s really starting to effect my career. My attendance this year has been the easy at best.
So, if it’s localised to the left, what are the chances of it appearing on the right after the op.
And if a full hysterectomy, could my eggs be harvested?