The pushing pain again...: Sorry ladies... - Endometriosis UK

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The pushing pain again...

Mummy1982 profile image
21 Replies

Sorry ladies this is really graphic, I've been getting the pain where everything is pushing out of me.

I have touched inside my vaginal lips when I'm trying to wee and I feels like it's bulging out of me, and if I push it back with my finger it makes my tailbone hurt. If I stand up it moves back up inside of me?

I pretty sure this is what took me to hospital last time.

They said I don't have a prolapse so what is it??

This is really worrying me.

Jo xx

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Mummy1982 profile image
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21 Replies
Lilykat197 profile image

Might sound a bit odd but have you considered various vein?? The only reason I'm suggesting it is my friend had the exact same thing you are describing and that's what she was diagnosed with, I never even knew you could get them down there but apparently you can!! I know my friend was in excruciating pain.

I hope you feel better L xxx

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply to Lilykat197

Thanks waiting for emergency Dr to call me within the 2 Hours! I really hope they sort this out I'm so fed up with it whatever it is making me not wee properly and is effecting my bowel x

Lilykat197 profile image
Lilykat197 in reply to Mummy1982

I am sorry to hear you are so unwell, I hope they sort you out once and for all as you can't keep suffering like this x

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply to Lilykat197

Thanks hun. I think I have worked it out I think a muscle on my right side maybe pushing across and blocking the entrance of my vagina when I push it back I can feel my uterus higher it's like a wall of my vagina has collapsed don't know what it is or what it is called though x

Lilykat197 profile image

Good morning....

How are you feeling today?? Did doc help at all last night?? I hope you hit some sleep and most of all help, it really sounds horrendous!!! I sometimes despair at the level of pain some of us go through and yet we are mostly treated as over reacting drama queens, it's only when they take a closer look do they they realise the extent of it!!

L xxx

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply to Lilykat197

Hi hun.

I finally got a phone call at around 1am in the morning. I did sleep on the end I had taken some morphine and amitripyline.

The Dr said she thinks that I have had a prolapse of the vaginal wall. She said it was ok and not to panic, to make a appointment with my Gp to have a see if she can see it when I push?

She didn't see it as something I needed to go to hospital now? I have no idea?

Thanks for your message.


Kirstiexxx profile image

That sounds horrible, I hope you got some help last night and they do something about it straight away you shouldn't be allowed to suffer like this xxx

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply to Kirstiexxx

Thanks hun.

I spoke to emergency Dr at 1am she said that it sounds like a prolapse of the vaginal wall.

Not to panic and to make a appointment with my Gp to have a look to see of she can see it when I push down.

I have no idea anymore I have so much pain on my pelvic area it is unreal.

Thanks for your message hun


Lilykat197 profile image

Please listen to your own body and if you can't cope with the pain go to a&e... I wonder if this doc not panic if it was her going thru it!!!! And anyway what can a GP do??? Not a thing, will have to refer you to gyna which will take weeks if not months depending on how urgent they deem it to be, don't suffer in silence.

L xxxx

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply to Lilykat197

I'm just so fed up of it. This is what I was I went in Last Time With. I was trying to explain to them that when I sat down on the toilet and was trying to wee or poo that something was bulging and I feel like it's stopping me weeing.

Just so fed up with it all to honest I have no faith I'm Dr's anymore I just seem to get told nonsense .

Thank you hun x

Kirstiexxx profile image

You definitely need to listen to your body and if you can't cope go to a&e and put your foot down they can't just keep leaving you like this it sounds so unpleasant xxx

Aurorasparkle profile image

Hi Jo

I'm really sorry that you are still in such discomfort.

I hope you are more comfortable after seeing the out of hrs doctor. I agree with the other replies if the pain gets too much phone 111 or go to a&e. I know what it is like as we all do here to be in excruiating agony. We shouldn't be left to suffer.

I hope the docs sort it out for you xxxx

Lilykat197 profile image

Go to NHS Choices homepage


Pelvic organ prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse



Pelvic organ prolapse is bulging of one or more of the pelvic organs into the vagina.

These organs are the uterus, vagina, bowel and bladder.

Symptoms may include:

a sensation of a bulge or something coming down or out of the vagina, which sometimes needs to be pushed back

discomfort during sex

problems passing urine – such as slow stream, a feeling of not emptying the bladder fully, needing to urinate more often and leaking a small amount of urine when you cough, sneeze or exercise (stress incontinence)

types of prolapse are:

anterior prolapse (cystocele) –where the bladder bulges into the front wall of the vagina

Just some info I found on the NHS website... Have a read it might explain a few things but again you should not be have to cope with the pain xx

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply to Lilykat197

Thanks hun that's exactly what it's like. I'm ok I'm just taking my morphine regularly. I don't think it causes pain from what I can understand for me it feels inconvenient that takes me while to go to the toilet.

I will contact my Dr Tuesday because I had a real bad time when I saw the emergency Dr last she told me that I was about to start my period and my pain was in my mind and to stop thinking about pain even though i have endo and adenomyosis which causes awful apin as we all know, it really upset me because I was in so much pain the only Dr i trust is my current Dr.

Also I have only been home with my kids 4 days after being away from them for nearly 2 weeks, , I'm not going to let this crap keep taking over my life.

Thanks hun xx

Hun that sounds awful and it's a bank holiday weekend! I agree with the others if you can't take it go to a&e there's nothing a gp can do anyway!

Bloody Drs I'm so sick of them!

Take care Hun


Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply to

I know I've only been home 4 days after being away from my kids for almost 2 weeks in hospital.

I will contact my Dr on Tuesday as she is the only one that I trust tbh after having a awful time with the emergency Dr last time I went in.

Going to let this crap keep ruining everything we have so much planned this week as it's half term I'm just going to have to put up with it it isn't really painful it causes a annoying pressure and takes me ages to wee and I think this maybe what's effecting my bowel.

I'm so sick of Dr's theu should have worked out what I was last time I thought it was my uterus but it's a vaginal wall.

Hopefully all this crap will stop soon it is one thing after another.

Thanks hun xx

Hope you can get it sorted Hun you've been through enough xx

Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply to

Thank hun pretty sick of it to be honest with you.

I am loosing all faith in Dr's now😣xx

You know where I am if you need a shoulder Hun

I will keep my fingers crossed for you

Email me let me know how you get on


Mummy1982 profile image
Mummy1982 in reply to

Thanks hun I appreciate you saying that.xx

Mabes profile image

Hey mummy. Sorry to hear you are suffering so much. It's really awful that they missed this when you were in hospital.

I just wanted to let you know that although it's horrible, you should be okay to wait until Tuesday. Sometimes they (the docs) can put a pessary ring in to support the prolapse - it depends what had prolapsed. Also sometimes special physio working on the pelvic floor can help. It depends how severe the prolapse is as to what will work. Please don't panic. Try and lie down when you can - put your legs up the back of the sofa or your headboard of your bed. It helps to take the pressure of gravity off.


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